Submitted by Denitsa on
This report is part of CRIN's access to justice for children project, looking at the status of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in national law, the status of children involved in legal proceedings, the legal means to challenge violations of children’s rights and the practical considerations involved in challenging violations.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) has been ratified by Sudan in September 1991; consequently, it has automatic force of law in and is considered an ‘integral part’ of the Sudanese Bill of Rights in the Constitution. Sudan has also ratified the Optional Protocols to the CRC on the involvement of children in armed conflict, and on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, respectively. The CRC takes precedence over national law and may be directly invoked before Sudanese courts. Children are permitted to bring actions before national courts to challenge violations of their rights but must do so through a guardian. Children are entitled under law, at least in instances where they are the defendant party, to legal representation at the expense of the state.