Submitted by crinadmin on
Summary: This Pack of sheets aims to draw
together in a brief summary from some
ideas on responding to the needs of
street children which have developed
from the experiences of groups around
the world.
The Pack has been developed in the context of work in Central and
Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States
"This Pack of sheets aims to draw together in a brief summary from
some ideas on responding to the needs of street children which have
developed from the experiences of groups around the world. We hope
that the information in this pack will assist new and developing
intitatives , especially those in Central and Eastern Europe and the
Commonwealth of Independent States in considering issues essential to
developing effective project responses. " (childhope UK)
1 Street Children - an Introduction
Defining street children
The street child's baekgrou nd
Street life
Why should wc be concerned about Street children?
2 Street Children in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth
of Independent States
Background to the situation
Project resptsnses - case studies from the region - Romania
Project tesponses - case studies from the region - Albania
Project responses - case studies from the region - Bulgaria
3 Appropriate Responses to Street Children - Deciding How to Act
Understanding street children and their needs
Project response summary - working directly with street children
Project response summary - working with families, local communities
and beyond
Considering the available resources
4 Understanding Street Children
Researching using available information
Carrying our your own research
Making direct contact with street children
Getting to know each other
5 Offering a Range of Services to Street Children
Responding to the needs of street children
Providing information and options for a child's development
Promoting good health
Education, training and income generation
6 Street Work, Day Centres and Shelters for Street Children
Street education - working in the street child's environment
Practical details of street visits
Working indoors - day centres and shelters
Creating a positive envtronment in day centres and shelters
7 Working with Street Children's Families and Communities
Working with the families of street-working children Working with the
families of street-living children Returning children to a home
environment Working within communities
8 Advocacy and Campaigning
Promoting and defending the rights of street children
Advocacy as a part of a direct service project
Awareness raising programmes
Lobbying the State/Working in partnership
9 Setting up an Organisation
The Importance of structure
One model of organisational structure - the management committee model
10 Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
Establishing a vision, setting objectives and defining activities
Creating a plan of action
Monitoring and evaluating your project
Monitoring and evaluating your project cont.
11 Staff Management, Recruitment and Training
Taking staff seriously/Defining roles/Staff recruitment
Staff recruitment cont./ Setting standards
Staff grievances/Supervising and supporting staff in their work
Training staff
12 Financial Management of Projects working with Street Children
Financial planning
Fundraising locally
Fundraising proposals/Fundraising internationally
13 Useful Contacts in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth
of Independent States
14 Street Children Project Management Further Reading List
15 Feedback Form
Owner: Debbie Joy and Nicolas Fenton