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Summary: This is the reference list for the Guide to Strategic Litigation. Lawrence G. Albrecht et al., International Human Rights, 39 International Law 517 (2004). Catherine Albiston, The Rule of Law and The Litigation Process: The Paradox of Losing By Winning, 33 Law and Society Review 869 (199). Xiaoping Chen, The Difficult Road for Rights Advocacy: An Unpredictable Future for the Development of the Rule of Law in China, 14 Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems 221 (Fall 2006). Children’s Rights, Taking Legal Action: Investigating a new case, Proving the case, Ongoing monitoring, Results of reform, Legal cases, available at Matthew Diller, Poverty Lawyering in the Golden Age, 93 Michigan Law Review 1401 (May 1995). Ariel E. Dulitzky and Luguely Cunillera Tapia, A Non-Governmental Perspective Regarding the International Protection of Children in the Inter-American System of Human Rights, 8 Journal of Transnational Law and Policy 265 (Spring 1999). European Roma Rights Center, Strategic litigation of race discrimination in Europe: from principles to practice, available at Uche U. Ewelukwa, Litigating the Rights of Street Children in Regional or International Fora: Trends, Options, Barriers and Breakthroughs, 9 Yale Human Rights and Development law Journal 85 (2006). Malgosia Fitzmaurice, The Right of the Child to a Clean Environment, 23 Southern Illinois University Law Journal 611 (1999). Sanford J. Fox, Beyond the American Legal System for the Protection of Children’s Rights, 31 Family Law Quarterly 237 (Summer 1997). Margarita Ilieva, Strategic Litigation: The Role of NGOs, available at International Law Association, Rio de Janeiro Conference (2008), International Civil Litigation and the Interests of the Public, Transnational Group Actions: Report and Resolution, available at Rhona Kaplan, National Resource Center for Foster Care & Permanency Planning at the Hunter School of Social Work, Information Packet: Child Welfare Class Action Lawsuits, available at Dr. Svitlana Kravchenko, Citizen Enforcement of Environmental Law in Eastern Europe, 10 Widener Law Review 475 (2004). Marcia Robinson Lowry and Sara Bartosz, Why Children Still Need a Lawyer, 41 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 199 (Fall 2007). Tara J. Melish, Rethinking the “Less as More” Thesis: Supranational Litigation of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights in the Americas, 39 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 171 (Winter 2006). Colm O’Cinneide, The Commission for Equality and Human Rights: A New Institution for New and Uncertain Times, 36 Industrial Law Journal 141 (June 2007). Frank B. Cross, Gay Politics and Precedents, 103 Michigan Law Review 1186 (May 2005). Public Law Interest Law Initiative, Columbia University Budapest Law Center, Public Policy Advocacy: Strategic Litigation and International Advocacy, available at Rachel Sieder, The Judiciary and Indigenous Rights in Guatemala, 5 International Journal of Constitutional Law 211 (April 2007). Roger Smith, Experience in England and Wales: Test case strategies, public interest litigation, the Human Rights Act and legal NGOs, available at SOLID Training Programme: Development of an NGO Strategy on Litigation and Support at the National Level, January 2006, Trainers guide to the session on ‘Is litigation the right strategy?’, available at Ann Southworth, The Rights Revolution and Support Structures for Rights Advocacy, 34 Law and Society Review 1203 (2000). Mark Tushnet, Some Legacies of Brown v. Board of Education, 90 Virginia Law Review 1693 (October 2004). Download the full guide here: References