Slovenia: Children's Rights References in the Universal Periodic Review

Slovenia- Twentieth session - 2014



4 November 2014 - 9.00 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.


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National Report

Compilation of UN information

Stakeholder information

Accepted and rejected recommendations


National Report

II. Developments regarding the normative and institutional framework and the protection and promotion of human rights since 2010

4. Several changes were introduced in the amended Criminal Code1, which entered into force in May 2012, including longer periods of limitation on the execution of sentences, revised definitions of the offences of terrorism and trafficking in human beings (THB), the introduction of new offences of grooming persons under the age of 15 for sexual purposes, and intentional access to pornographic material by using information and communication technologies. Exploitation through prostitution has been defined as an aggravated offence in cases when the victim is a minor, and a more severe sentence is imposed for the abuse of minors in order to produce material of a pornographic nature or the use of minors in pornographic performances.[...].

8. Since 2008, the economic crisis has also affected various social rights. [...] The risk of poverty among children increased from 11.2% in 2009 to 13.5% in 2012. The share of persons who are severely materially deprived (by at least 4 out of 9 elements of deprivation) was 6.1% in 2009 and 6.6% in 2012. NGOs note the increasing number of persons without adequate health insurance.


12. In education, the amended Placement of Children with Special Needs Act11 re- defines the placement procedure in accordance to the children's special education needs. In 2011, a White Paper on Education in Slovenia was published, which includes an analysis of the school system and proposes systemic solutions. This core curricular document defines the basic education objectives of educational institutions. Three important long-term resolutions have been adopted: the Resolution on the National Programme for Youth 2013– 202212, the Resolution on National Programme of Adult Education 2012–202013 and the Resolution on the National Programme of Higher Education 2011–202014. In September 2010, new Rules on School Order in Secondary Schools15 entered into force, stipulating the rights and obligations of, and prohibitions for, students during school classes, the method of exercising rights, fulfilling obligations and actions in cases of breaches defined in the Rules and general acts, and schools’ obligations.

13. In January 2014, the Government adopted a Youth Guarantee scheme and an implementation plan for 2014–2015. Its key objectives are: providing for a smooth transition between school and work; the faster integration of unemployed young people in the labour market; reduction of the unemployment rate. By adopting the Youth Guarantee, Slovenia undertook to offer employment to every young person between 15 and 29 years of age (including internship), in-service training, enrolment in formal education or a shorter form of institutionalised or practical training within four months of signing on the unemployment register with the Employment Service of Slovenia.

14. One of the main objectives of the recent labour legislation reform was to reduce labour market segmentation by amending legislation16 relating to the job security. Specific provisions on concluding contracts for a definite period and measures guaranteeing greater security for the most vulnerable groups were part of the reform. Another new provision is the right to severance pay on the expiry of an employment contract for a definite period of time. Additional measures for reducing labour market segmentation are included in the new pension legislation. The amended Pension and Disability Insurance Act provides for employer allowances in employing elderly and young workers, mothers caring for a child under three years of age, and persons registering as self-employed for the first time. A specific issue that has to be tackled with regard to labour market segmentation is student work.

19. From 7 to 9 April 2014, Marta Santos Pais, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Violence against Children, participated in the 24th session of the National Children's Parliament and a round-table organised by the MFA to mark the 25th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. During her visit, she held talks with numerous representatives of Government and NGOs and attended a celebration on 8 April, International Roma Day.

22. Since 2010 several amendments to the International Protection Act27 were adopted. Most of them raised the standards of procedures for obtaining international protection, gave more rights to applicants and improved the conditions for the successful integration of persons under international protection. [...]. Pro bono legal aid to international protection applicants in appeal procedures is guaranteed through a legal aid project funded by the responsible ministry with the assistance of the European Refugee Fund and continually provided by NGOs in the Asylum Centre on a daily basis, allowing for effective and high-quality exercise of applicants' rights in the procedure. Legal representation of unaccompanied minors has been comprehensively regulated and the scope of their health-care rights has been expanded.

24. The amended Elementary School Act30 of 2011 is also pertinent for aliens. It stipulates organisation of Slovene language and culture classes for children living in Slovenia whose mother tongue is not Slovene upon their enrolment in school, as well as classes in their mother tongue and culture, in cooperation with their countries of origin. In order to assist pre-school institutions and schools in planning education activities involving immigrant children, in 2012 the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (MESS) adopted amended Guidelines for the inclusion of pre-school and school migrant children. MESS co- finances elective classes in mother tongue and culture for children of immigrants, by providing a lump sum payment for each student attending. Teachers are paid either by the country concerned, parents or societies. Since August 2013, MESS has financed a project "Training Professionals to Achieve Better Integration of Basic and Secondary School Immigrant Students into the Educational System". The primary objective is to facilitate the integration of children from minority communities and of immigrants into the educational system, and enhance the intercultural competences of teachers and other professionals concerned.

29. Since 2010, Slovenia signed and ratified the following international treaties:

• Council of Europe (CoE) Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (Lanzarote Convention); ratified on 26 September 2013, entered into force on 1 January 2014; [...]

•Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a Communications Procedure; signed on 28 February 2012; [...].

B. Anti-discrimination measures (recommendations 19, 21, 26, 63, 64)


40. To prevent or limit hate speech and other illegal content on the Internet and in online media, the Slovenian Internet reporting portal Web Eye,, for anonymous reporting of hate speech and other illegal content disseminated via the Internet has proved highly effective. operates under the Safer Internet Plus programme and the INHOPE organisation. The Office of the State Prosecutor General, the police and representatives of mass media and other organisations involved in the protection of children's rights cooperate in this project as members of the advisory body. Since 2013, the Office of Slovenia for Youth has been coordinating the CoE No hate speech movement campaign. It includes youth structures and CoE organisations involved with young people and focuses on informal education, intercultural dialogue and hate speech.

1. Gender equality and empowerment of women (recommendations 4, 14, 22, 23, 25, 65– 70, 74)

49. The Government pursues various activities to identify and eliminate stereotypes, particularly by organising consultations, training and seminars, by drafting analyses and studies on the division of power between women and men in different areas, by encouraging fathers to assume a more active role in child care and equal division of tasks within the family, as well as responsible partnership and parenting.

51. Since 2004, a working group has been operating within the Institute of Public Health of Slovenia (IPHS) which regularly analyses all cases of maternal death. Each case is scrutinised following a single protocol. Based on the findings, the group publishes a comprehensive report every three years, with recommendations for clinical and public health measures in the field of reproductive health, focusing particularly on the importance of socio-economic factors, the detection and treatment of mental disorders, and the need for education and awareness raising among the general public and medical professionals. Between 2010 and 2013, several symposia were dedicated to the main causes of maternal death in Slovenia, and the national association of perinatal medicine adopted clinical guidelines. The Ministry of Health (MoH) co-finances programmes on reproductive health and rights at the national, regional and local levels. Since post-natal mental disorders and suicide are among the main causes of maternal death in Slovenia, in 2013 the IPHS published a draft programme for the detection and treatment of mental problems and disorders in the perinatal period, which will serve as the basis for further activities.

4. Rights of national, Roma and other ethnic communities (recommendations 27–29, 71, 73, 76, 89–92, 94, 95)

62. In 2011, MESS amended the Strategy of the education of Roma, which encourages their access to education, also by financing Roma teaching assistants. MESS provides funds for social incubators, which are important centres of extracurricular activities, as well as learning assistance for young and adult Roma within their communities. The Ministry prioritises the inclusion of Roma in pre-school institutions and finances several projects to stimulate cooperation among different local players54. MESS also sets more favourable norms and standards for classes with Roma pupils, provides funds for teaching aids, prints Roma fairy tales and works on Roma history and literature, as well as Romani language, and manuals for working with Roma pupils. Slovenian schools and pre-school institutions do not segregate Roma children. They attend regular classes, except those with special needs according to the Placement of Children with Special Needs Act.

C. Violence against women and domestic violence (recommendations 18, 23, 32–39, 72)

72. The Slovenian Criminal Code defines the criminal offence against marriage, family and children. Issue is also regulated by the Family Violence Prevention Act60. Domestic violence prevention campaigns are being implemented in cooperation with NGOs.

73. In 2009, Slovenia adopted the Resolution on the 2009–2014 National Programme on Prevention of Family Violence (NPPFV). This strategic document sets out objectives, measures and key players to reduce and prevent domestic violence. The document aims to combine measures implemented by various ministries and provides for effective activities to reduce domestic violence, both in terms of identification and prevention. Therefore, the Resolution also provides for the implementation of a national awareness-raising campaign on the issue of violence and for reducing the extent of such deviant behaviour in every society. Rules were adopted in certain fields to implement the 2008 Family Violence Prevention Act (FVPA), effectively provide assistance to children and cooperate with other authorities.

74. The two-year nation-wide awareness raising campaign "VESNA – to live a life free of violence" officially started on 7 March 2014 with a national conference. The target group is women of three generations (young women, adults and old women), for whom different, target-oriented activities have been envisaged. Activities are tailored to the needs and lifestyle of each target group.

75. Several other sector-specific implementing acts on education, health care, social security, and the police have been passed to implement the FVPA, effectively provide assistance to children and cooperate with other authorities.

77. Adopted in 2013, the Police Tasks and Powers Act62 significantly upgraded the police restraining order. Police officers may impose such a measure on the offender not only on the scene of the offence, but also immediately after the offender has been apprehended, regardless of location. An offender who has repeatedly violated a restraining order may be detained by the Police and, at the same time, a fine may be imposed. For the cases when the place that the offender must not approach is an education institution attended by a victim who is a child or a minor, the legal basis was added to inform the relevant personnel at the education institutions of the duration of the restraining order or other information vital to the protection of the victim.

D. Children's rights and violence against children (recommendations 4, 9, 12, 13, 17, 24, 50–53, 75)

82. Regarding general executive measures, in 2006, on the basis of the recommendation of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Government adopted the Programme for Children and Youth 2006–2016. Since the basic document needed revising, the Government adopted the updated Programme for Children and Youth 2013–2016. The Child Observatory within the Social Protection Institute organised a single database on children and youth. In recent years, Slovenia has devoted particular attention to vulnerable groups of children. An important novelty in the prevention of child abuse is the passage of the FVPA and adoption of the Resolution on the 2009–2014 NPPFV.

83. The amended Criminal Code specified criminal offences against sexual integrity of children in more detail, including Article 175 (Exploitation through Prostitution) and Article 176 (Presentation, Manufacture, Possession and Distribution of Pornographic Material). The sentence was elevated to a maximum of eight years, and intentional access to child pornography by computerised means was criminalised. The amendment introduced a new Article 173 a (criminal offence of soliciting persons under 15 years for sexual purposes), which incriminated grooming.

84. Human rights education has already been introduced in the Slovenian school system and training programmes. Slovenia continues its efforts, also at the international level, by supporting the UN Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training, which was adopted by the UNGA, and by promoting and further implementing the World Program for Human Rights Education.

85. In 2011, as part of the e-Justice project and to implement draft Article 35 of the CoE Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) placed video conference equipment in 11 child-friendly interview rooms at social services. MoJ is preparing interdisciplinary training for experts on how to conduct interviews with children, including in the child-friendly interview rooms, by using video conference equipment.

86. Following expert consultations, which were organised by the Supreme Court in 2008, the judiciary, on the basis of opinions of various experts and the experience of judges acquired when working with children involved in criminal proceedings, issued a publication tailored to the needs of children of different age groups. To facilitate and prepare children to testify in criminal proceedings, the publication aims to explain to children in a friendly manner their role in the proceedings, as well as the importance and functioning of the court. The website of the courts has published the following brochures: "Jan and Jana Go to Court" for children aged 5–8 and "Going to Court as a Witness" for children aged 9–13.

87. According to the FVPA, children are a specially protected category covered by MLFSAEO, since all relevant authorities – when encountering violence against a child – must take immediate and effective action. The Act particularly stipulates that children are considered victims of violence even if the violence occurs against another family member in their presence. Nevertheless, the provision of the Family Code, which was rejected in a referendum on 25 March 2012, was wider, banning all forms of corporal punishment by parents, other persons, state authorities or providers of public services responsible for the care of children.

H. Trafficking in human beings (recommendations 11, 16, 39–50)


104. Since 2010, trafficking was prevented through a number of events and awareness- raising projects among the general public, including target risk groups. The general public was informed of the different forms of media reporting; the topics and events were also accessible at a government web site set up for this purpose. The target risk groups (adolescents and migrant workers) were informed about the risks of trafficking through various government projects. The prevention also includes training for professionals encountering this issue in their work. In October 2010, the MoJ published a translation of the leading judgement of the ECHR on THB75, which is included in training material for judges. Police officers participated in training programmes to uncover such trafficking. The Slovenian Police took part in the drafting of a manual of the FRONTEX Agency to identify potential trafficking victims. Regular training is provided for the staff of education institutions, diplomatic missions and consular posts, and social workers.

105. Child victims of trafficking are a special category in the fight against THB, to which Slovenia devotes adequate legal and other attention. Fight against trafficking in children, child prostitution and child pornography forms part of the biannual joint Government action plan for the fight against THB.




Compilation of UN information

I. Background and framework 

A. Scope of international obligations

1. In 2010, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) encouraged Slovenia to ratify ICRMW.9 In 2011, the Committee against Torture (CAT) invited the country to also ratify CPED and OP-ICESCR.10 In 2013, the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) recommended also the ratification of OP-CRC-IC.

2. CRC recommended the ratification of ILO Convention No. 189 (2011) concerning decent work for domestic workers and the accession to the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.

B. Constitutional and legislative framework

4. CRC noted the adoption of various legislative measures, including the Act Amending the Provision of Foster Care in 2012.15 CRC however, regretted the continued absence of a consolidated child law that incorporated all the provisions of the Convention into the State’s national legislation and recommended the introduction of a comprehensive law on children.

C. Institutional and human rights infrastructure and policy measures

5. CRC recommended that Slovenia bring the Ombudsman’s Office into compliance with the Paris Principles. CAT urged Slovenia to provide this Office with adequate resources and to broaden its mandate to carry out investigations into allegations of torture and ill-treatment.

6. CRC welcomed the creation of a Child Observatory.  It recommended that Slovenia strengthen the mandate of the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities to enable it to effectively coordinate the implementation of the Convention.

9. CRC welcomed a number of policy measures on social protection, children and youth, family violence protection, trafficking in human beings and Roma.  It recommended the implementation of the 2006-2016 Programme for Children and Youth. CRC urged Slovenia to repeal provisions of the Marriage and Family Relations Act that were not compliant with the Convention.

III. Implementation of international human rights obligations, taking into account applicable international humanitarian law

A. Equality and non-discrimination

12. CERD remained concerned about marginalization and discrimination of Roma, and urged Slovenia to combat discrimination against them and implement special measures in education, housing, health and employment. CRC remained seriously concerned about persistent discrimination against Roma children. CRC recommended that Slovenia investigate and prosecute any discriminatory act directed at Roma children.

14. CRC was seriously concerned that the rights of former permanent residents of Slovenia originating from former Yugoslavian republics (the so-called “erased”), whose legal status was unlawfully revoked in 1992, had not been guaranteed. CAT was concerned about persistent discrimination against the “erased” persons and encouraged Slovenia to facilitate their full integration. CERD remained concerned about difficulties they were facing in securing access to social and economic rights, and recommended that Slovenia ensure the full enjoyment of the economic and social rights of “erased” people, including health, social security, education and employment.

15. Concerning the “erased”, CRC noted with appreciation the Act Regulating the Legal Status of Citizens of Former Yugoslavia Living in the Republic of Slovenia in 2010 (8 March 2010) (Legal Status Act).

16. In 2013, CAT remained concerned that Slovenia had failed to enforce the Legal Status Act.53 CRC was particularly concerned that a large number of persons were excluded from this Act, and that applications of “erased” people were rejected.

17. CRC recommended that Slovenia simplify the proceedings for obtaining permanent residence permits by “erased” people. CAT recommended the restoration of the permanent resident status of these persons, and encouraged Slovenia to guarantee fair procedures in applying for citizenship. CERD recommended that Slovenia grant full reparation to all individuals affected by the “erasure”.

19. CRC was concerned that children of same-sex couples faced discrimination in school based on their family’s sexual orientation. It urged Slovenia to regularize the status of such children.

B. Right to life, liberty and security of the person

24. CAT remained concerned about violence against women and girls and recommended, inter alia, that Slovenia prevent and prosecute all forms of violence against women and children, including domestic violence, and implement the National Programme of Family Violence Prevention (2009–2014).

25. CRC expressed concern about the narrow definition of violence provided within the Domestic Violence Prevention Act, and the limited definition of violence against children in national legislation. It recommended (a) a comprehensive definition of violence to include all forms of violence, including sexual exploitation and abuse of children; (b) a comprehensive national strategy to prevent and address all forms of violence against children; and (c) the establishment of an investigation and prosecution mechanism. It urged Slovenia to ban all forms of abuse and neglect of children in all settings, ensure follow-up to cases of abuse or neglect and establish community protection mechanisms. CRC noted with concern that Roma girls were often subject to sexual violence and exploitation by family members.

26. CRC was concerned that corporal punishment in educational day-care centres, residential school institutions and penal institutions was not explicitly prohibited. CRC recommended that Slovenia explicitly prohibit in national legislation corporal punishment in all settings, including at home, and amend the Criminal Code as well as the Foster Care Act. It recommended that Slovenia strengthen its efforts to address corporal punishment by, inter alia, launching awareness-raising campaigns.

27. CAT welcomed the designation of human trafficking as a crime but remained concerned about trafficking of women for prostitution in Slovenia. CRC was also concerned that Slovenia remained a country of origin, destination and transit for trafficking and sexual exploitation of children. CAT urged Slovenia to combat trafficking in persons, especially in women and children, by prosecuting perpetrators and ensuring redress, including compensation and rehabilitation, for victims. CRC welcomed the Action Plan of the Intergovernmental Working Group for Countering Trafficking in Human Beings (2012- 2013) and recommended that this Working Group be empowered.

28. CRC was concerned about increasing incidents of the sale of Roma girls. It recommended targeted measures to prevent the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.

29. CRC recommended that Slovenia take measures to prevent forced labour of children and establish mechanisms to investigate and prosecute child forced labour. CRC also recommended the full harmonization of Slovenian national legislation with OP-CRC-SC, particularly by explicitly prohibiting the sale of children and forced adoptions.

30. CRC recommended that Slovenia (a) put an end to forced and underage marriages of Roma children; (b) investigate such cases with a view to bringing perpetrators to justice; (c) increase awareness-raising within the Roma population on the harmful impact of early marriage on children; (d) provide victims with rehabilitation and counselling services;86 and (e) protect children who are victims of forced marriage.

C. Administration of justice and the rule of law

32. CRC also expressed concern about the lack of special provisions for children in its Criminal Code and urged Slovenia to bring its juvenile justice system fully into line with relevant standards. It recommended that deprivation of liberty of children be a measure of last resort.

F. Right to social security and to an adequate standard of living

39. CRC was highly concerned that the number of children living in poverty was increasing and that children of minority groups, particularly Roma, were poorer than children of the majority population. It recommended that Slovenia build a national system of social protection.

G. Right to health

42. CRC was concerned about the ethnic disparity in access to, and provision of, health services. It recommended that all children have similar access to basic health services and urged Slovenia to implement the "Strategy for enhancing health and action plan for reducing inequalities in health in the Pomurje region".

43. Concerned that suicide was the second major cause of mortality among children aged 10-14 in Slovenia, CRC urged Slovenia to finalize the National Programme for Mental Health.

H. Right to education

44. CRC was concerned about the lack of holistic programmes for early childhood development as well as the introduction of new education fees. It recommended that Slovenia develop well-financed early childhood development programmes and refrain from introducing more education-related fees.

45. UNESCO strongly encouraged Slovenia to pursue its positive efforts to integrate human rights education into the educational system and training programs, and intensify its efforts in ensuring the effectiveness of equal access to education.

46. CRC remained concerned that Roma children enjoyed limited access to education. Concerned about segregation of Roma children in schools, CERD recommended that Roma children enjoy equal opportunities in access to quality education at all levels.108 CRC recommended, inter alia, that Slovenia raise the enrolment of Roma children in preschool educational institutions and integrate them in mainstream education.

I. Persons with disabilities

47. While noting with satisfaction the 2007–2013 Action Programme for Persons with Disabilities, CRC encouraged Slovenia to allocate resources for its effective implementation. It also recommended that Slovenia ensure that children with disabilities fully enjoy their rights.

J. Minorities

49. CRC urged Slovenia to reduce disparities in the enjoyment of rights between children of minority groups, particularly Roma children, and children of the majority population.

K. Migrants, refugees and asylum seekers

53. CRC expressed concern about Slovenia’s decision to decrease by 50 per cent the financial assistance provided to asylum seekers staying outside the Asylum Home, and recommended that it reconsider this decision. It also recommended that Slovenia, inter alia, (a) refrain from regular conduct of age assessment tests and ensure that such procedures be taken only as a measure of last resort; and (b) provide all unaccompanied minors with legal assistance. CRC recommended that Slovenia provide all children seeking refuge, and who had fled from war zones, with social reintegration programmes.



Stakeholder information

B. Implementation of international human rights obligations, taking into account applicable international humanitarian law

1. Equality and non-discrimination

18. CoE-Commissioner stressed that access to a state’s nationality should be possible whenever a person has a genuine and effective link with this state in particular through birth, descent or residence, and that the situation of “erasure” has disproportionately affected persons belonging to the most vulnerable social groups such as the Roma. CoE- Commissioner urged authorities to take all relevant measures in order to facilitate and make possible the acquisition these persons of Slovenian citizenship with particular attention to the children of those “erased” in 1992 who are still stateless. It added that as a first step the authorities could consider establishing a complete register of all the “erased” persons who have become and remain stateless.

26. EU-FRA stated that in Slovenia the criminal law definition of family violence includes various aspects of subordination and discriminatory treatment, and that its legislation reflects the repetitive nature of intimate partner violence. In 2013 EU-FRA asserted that Slovenia adopted a national action plan to combat general domestic violence or specifically violence against children.

27. EU-FRA stated that Slovenia still did not explicitly forbid corporal punishment of children. Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children (GIEACPC) stated that in Slovenia, corporal punishment of children was lawful in the home, in alternative care settings and in some day care settings, despite recommendations of treaty monitoring bodies. GIEACPC explained that despite the Government’s positive introduction of prohibiting legislation, it was rejected by public referendum in 2012.

28. EU-FRA affirmed that Slovenia amended its penal code in 2011 by introducing the criminalisation of grooming and defining various activities under the offence of child pornography.

32. As highlighted by the CoE, CoE-GRETA considered that the Slovenian authorities should take further steps to ensure that the human rights-based and victim-centred approach was fully reflected in the national policy to combat THB. CoE-GRETA stressed the need to address THB as a form of violence against women and to take account of gender-specific types of exploitation, as well as the particular situation of child victims of trafficking. CoE-GRETA noted with satisfaction that the definition of THB states explicitly the irrelevance of the consent of a victim of trafficking to the intended exploitation.

7. Right to health

56. International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) stated that Slovenia should be urged, among others to enforce national law on the marketing of breast milk substitutes; and ensure integrated response to protect and support breastfeeding in case of emergencies.

8. Right to education

57. The Committee of Experts on the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages of the Council of Europe (CoE-CECRML) urged Slovenian authorities to: ensure full implementation of the “Strategy for Education of Roma in the Republic of Slovenia” of 2004; promote awareness and acceptance of the Romani language and culture as an integral part of Slovenia’s cultural wealth; and to include this promotion among the objectives of national education, and to encourage the mass media to pursue the same objective.

10. Persons with disabilities

62. CoE-ESCR concluded in 2012 that it had not been established that the right of children with disabilities to mainstream training was effectively guaranteed.



Accepted and rejected recommendations

I. Accepted recommendations

115.3 Ratify the Optional Protocol to the Rights of the Child on a communications procedure (Portugal, Slovakia);

115.20 Draft a comprehensive law on children to incorporate in Slovenian domestic law all the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Viet Nam);

115.23 Continue its efforts in the promotion and protection of women’s and children’s rights (Kuwait);

115.100 Take all appropriate measures to enable and facilitate the acquisition of Slovenian citizenship by the “erased persons”, paying particular attention to the children of “erased persons” in 1992, who are still stateless. Ensure compensation for all “erased persons” and, in this regard, review their compensation schemes, on the basis of the amounts and criteria established by the European Court of Human Rights and ensure the implementation of measures to reintegrate “erased persons” (France);

115.111 Establish an institutional mechanism to combat discrimination and violence against women and children, particularly children from minority peoples (Viet Nam);

 115.126 Redouble its efforts regarding trafficking, with a special focus on trafficking in children (India);

115.130 Address the lack of special provisions for children in the Slovenian criminal code and bring its juvenile justice system fully into compliance with international standards (Poland);

II. Accepted recommendations that Slovenia considers already implemented or in process of implementation

115.25 Place a particular focus on the education and employability of Roma women in integration policies, since women and children are the most vulnerable groups within the Roma community (Norway);

115.40 Implement the 2006–2016 Programme for Children and Youth (Israel);

115.42 Implement the child and youth programme of 2013–2016 (Saudi Arabia);

115.67 Ensure that Roma children have equal opportunities in access to quality education at all levels (Slovakia);

115.68 Strengthen efforts to combat discrimination against children belonging to national minorities, particularly Roma, and reduce the number of children living in poverty (Poland);

115.80 Combat discrimination against Roma and implement special measures in the education, housing, health and employment spheres, as well as investigating and prosecuting all discriminatory acts directed at Roma children (Azerbaijan);

115.91 Strengthen efforts to reduce disparities in the enjoyment of rights between children of minority groups, particularly Roma children and children of the majority of the population (Austria);

115.93 Heed the call by the Committee on the Rights of the Child to regularize the status of children of same-sex couples and ensure their protection against discrimination (Sweden);

115.104 Establish a clear and comprehensive definition of violence against childre, and prosecute all forms of violence, including domestic violence (Sierra Leone);

115.105 Take the necessary measures for setting up a comprehensive national strategy to prevent and address all forms of violence against women and children (Iran (Islamic Republic of));

115.106 Take further steps to implement the national programme of family violence prevention (netherlands); ensure implementation of the national programme of family violence prevention (2009–2014) and prevent all forms of violence against women and children, including domestic violence (Bahrain);

115.109 Strengthen the measures undertaken to combat domestic violence in general and violence against children in particular (Algeria);

115.110 Broaden the definition of violence in the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence, according to international standards, with a view to eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls (Mexico);

115.112 Adopt a comprehensive national strategy to prevent and combat all forms of violence against children (Iraq);

115.113 Continue to strengthen normative frameworks for the protection of children from violence and abuse, and develop awareness-raising programmes aimed at educating the public about the harmful effects of corporal punishment and enhancing the capacities of educators and the media to promote good practices and more positive methods of child-rearing (Philippines);

115.114 Ensure that legislation is drafted and enacted to prohibit all corporal punishment of children, including in the home (Sweden);

115.115 Legally prohibit the abhorrent practice of corporal punishment of children and adopt an integral law on children, which compiles the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of));

115.116 Explicitly prohibit in national legislation corporal punishment in all settings, including at home (Austria);

115.117 Take appropriate measures to prevent the forced labour of children in the country (Azerbaijan);

115.118 Adopt a comprehensive legal framework on the rights of the children aiming also at completely outlawing the violence against children (Romania);

115.123 Further strengthen the steps taken in regard to trafficking, particularly in reference to women and children (Afghanistan);

115.124 Continue the efforts directed towards combating trafficking in human beings (Armenia); continue its efforts to combat trafficking in persons, especially women and children, by prosecuting the perpetrators (Costa Rica); take effective measures to prevent trafficking in persons, including women and children (Uzbekistan); combat trafficking in persons, especially in women and children, as well as prosecuting and investigating all perpetrators of these crimes (Azerbaijan);

III. Noted recommendations

5. For the time being, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia notes recommendations 6–13, 17, 19, 26–28, 41, 132, 144, 153, 154, 156, 157, 163. The Government of Slovenia wishes to provide the following additional information.

115.6 Ratify the International Convention on the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (ICRMW) (Iran (Islamic Republic of));

115.7 Consider taking initial steps towards the ratification of ICRMW (Philippines);

115.8 Ratify ICRMW (Senegal, Sierra Leone, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Peru, Uruguay);

115.9  Consider ratifying ICRMW (Sri Lanka); 

115.10  Ratify ICRMW (Bosnia and Herzegovina); 

115.11  Consider the possibility of ratifying the Convention on the Protection 

of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (Ecuador);

115.12 Ratify the International Convention on the Rights of Migrant Workers and Members of their Family, based on the facts that the national report indicates in paragraph 98 that it is currently under examination (Egypt);

115.13  Continue its efforts to ratify ICRMW (Indonesia);


Recs. 6–13 The Government of the Republic of Slovenia is currently not planning to ratify the Convention. Slovenia already guarantees most of the rights contained in the Convention to migrant workers and their family members in the Slovenian labour market, and shares the objectives of the Convention. The rights of migrants are also protected by the existing EU legislation.

115.19 Repeal provisions of the Marriage and Family Relations Act that are not compliant with the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Israel);

Rec. 19: The Government of the Republic of Slovenia is currently not planning to change this act.

115.26: Consider the establishment of an office of the ombudsman for children’s rights, devoted purely to the protection of the rights of children (Poland);

Rec. 26: To implement the relevant recommendation of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, a special department for children’s rights has been established within Ombudsperson’s Office, and one of Ombudsperson’s deputies has been tasked with the protection of children’s rights. Due to financial constraints, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia is currently not planning additional action in this area.

115.28 Enact a unified and comprehensive law on child rights (Saudi Arabia);

Rec. 28: The Government of the Republic of Slovenia is currently not planning to adopt such an act. Children’s rights as enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and are already transposed into Slovenian national legislation.

115.41 Adopt amendments to the Marriage and Family Relations Act in line with previous efforts and add a provision that prohibits other forms of demeaning treatment of children, such as psychological violence (Norway);

Rec. 41: The Government of the Republic of Slovenia is currently not planning to change this act. However, prohibition of demeaning treatment of children will be part of the revision of the Family Code, which is under preparation.








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