Submitted by crinadmin on
Summary: The aim of this guide is to improve
reporting on how ethnic
discrimination affects persons below
the age of 18.
As a contribution to the WCAR, the International Save the
Children Alliance has produced a new publication: Reporting on
Ethnic Discrimination against Children. A Reference Guide. The
guide is a unique reporting tool, which is intended for use by
governments, treaty bodies, national human rights institutions,
non-governmental organisations and other interested actors.
The main aim of the reference guide is to improve reporting on
how ethnic discrimination affects persons below the age of 18. It
introduces the reader to the principle of non-discrimination in
international law and its relevance to situation of children. It
surveys the reporting systems under the Convention on the
Rights of the Child CRC) and the International Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). The guide
features a number of illustrative cases of how ethnic
discrimination may affect children all over the world. Finally, the
includes a comprehensive checklist intended as an aid for
non-governmental organisations and others who report to treaty
bodies established to monitor human rights conventions.
Order at Save the Children Bookshop,
Art no 2001-2604.
Owner: International Save the Children Alliance