Submitted by crinadmin on
Summary: VAFOC is a non-governmental and
non-profit-making organisation
based in Bamenda, Cameroon. Its
prinicpal aim is to provide assistance
to children in regular schools with
learning problems. The organisation
provides special education services
to children in regular schools with
learning problems within the concept
of mainstreaming.VAFOC is a non-governmental and non-profit-making organisation
based in Bamenda, Cameroon. Its prinicpal aim is to provide
assistance to children in regular schools with learning problems.
The organisation provides special education services to children
in regular schools with learning problems within the concept of
The organisation through its publications and seminars works
with regular school teachers to acquaint and provide them with
basic notions and technical skills of special education that will
help improve their ability to handle classrooms with contrasting
ability levels. The organisation employs and trains special
education teachers who assist the regular teachers in the
learning process of the learning disabled children.
General Objectives of the Organisation:
1. To acquaint teachers of regular schools with the concept of
special education and to gradually impart into them its
methodology to enable them to accomodate and tolerate children
with special learning needs.
2. To carry out screening exercises and advise on rehabilitation
procedures where necessary.
3. To conduct regular visits to the schools to evaluate the
progress of teachers in this direction and to reinforce their efforts
with the provision of graded packages for the children.
4. To gradually remind government of the necessity of providing
and funding educational programmes for the learning disabled
through VAFOC's activities. The need to revise the curriculum of
teacher education institutions to include the teaching of special
education shall be vigorously pursued by VAFOC.
5. To serve as an advisory unit in matters of special education to
both government and non-governmental agencies requiring such
6. To create public awareness of the conditions that retard
children's school education and to seek parental collaboration in
the process of having these children accomodated in the
mainstream of the regular system.
7. To recommend the transfer of children with severe disorders
into special education schools after thorough screening and
examination. A few such schools exist in the country run
exclusively by church groups and private individuals. However,
vocational training may be recommended as well depending on
the nature and severity of the disorder which may make
schoolwork difficult, if not impossible, for the child.