Submitted by crinadmin on
This report is part of the project “Europe: Good Practice on the General Measures of Implementation of The objective of the research presented in this report is to assess how far the general measures of The research covers several areas, i.e., legal status of the CRC; development of the National Plan of Action, Further Information:
the Convention on the Rights of the Child” which is funded from European Commission’s Fundamental
Rights and Citizenship Programme. The aim of the project is to asses how far the general measures of
implementation of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child have been realised at European, national
and community level. The project focuses on the EU institutions and five European countries: Lithuania,
Italy, Romania, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
implementation of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child have been implemented at the national
and local level in Lithuania.
co-ordination of CRC implementation, monitoring of the implementation, data collection and indicators,
visibility of children in budget, co-operation with civil society, international co-operation, independent
human rights institutions, information and raising awareness on CRC.