CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Prohibiting all corporal punishment in schools - Global Report 2011

The new global progress report for 2011 reviews progress towards prohibition of corporal punishment of children IN schools throughout the world in the context of follow up to the UN Secretary General's Study on Violence against Children. It provides a snapshot of national research findings in all regions, illustrating the extent of corporal punishment of children in schools. It also reveals that children suffer not only strictly regulated forms of corporal punishment, but are subjected to a wide range of punitive assaults, from pinching and ear pulling to severe beatings. Law reform must prohibit all corporal punishment and other cruel and degrading punishment, and the prohibition must be effectively implemented and enforced. 

It also includes sections on what it means to achieve law reform, and how to do it, current worldwide progress of this objective, and other useful resources on how to support the promotion, enactment and implementation of a prohibition.


Further Information:

pdf: Report 2011.pdf


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