Submitted by crinadmin on
Summary: This is the report of a pilot project
in community appraisal in Serb
Sarajevo, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and
Herzegovina. It is the work of two
representative groups, the youth of
Serb Sarajevo and parents as advocates
of children with disabilities who live
in Serb Sarajevo.
This is the report of a pilot project in community appraisal in Serb
Sarajevo, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is the work of
two representative groups, the youth of Serb Sarajevo and parents as
advocates of children with disabilities who live in Serb Sarajevo.
The aim of the project was to demonstrate a model of community based
social welfare that can include partnership between the statutory
agencies and the communities they serve. One that involves very
inexp~rienced and experienced people from the area for the first
time, in social action and in their Civil Society.
The project was initiated by Save the Children (UK) in the context of
an agreement for action by an Adviser in Child Welfare and
Protection, seconded for one year to the Ministry of Health and
Social Welfare, Republika Srpska, BiH.
The project was supported by the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare,
the Director of the Children's Fund and the
Centres for Social Welfare, Serb Sarajevo.
Close to one third of the population of Republika Srpska is still
internally displaced, and Serb Sarajevo is one of the highest
concentrations of such a population. What is now known as Serb
Sarajevo is made up of rural villages, the southern suburbs of
Sarajevo and the ski resort of Pale. Prior to the war, the majority
of this displaced population lived and worked in the adjoining
Sarajevo city, which is now part of a separate entity, and is
separated by an artificial border