Children and Young People as Citizens: Partners in Social Change

Summary: This publication shows very clearly
that there is not only one single way
by which girls and boys can influence
their situation but that it can be
done in many different ways
depending on the actual situation,
and the contexts.
The International Save the Children Alliance in South and Central
Asia Region consists of 10 Save the Children agencies operating
programmes in 24 locations in the South & Central Asia Region.
The Alliance works under the principles of the UN Convention on
the Rights of the Child. Under these same principles, Save the
Children believes that children and young people are active
citisens of both today and tomorrow. Children's active
participation and their right to be heard and have influence over
decisions that affect their lives is a fundamental principle for Save
the Children.

This publication, which is comprised of four booklets and a
discussion paper "Children and Young People as Citizens:
Partners in Social Change", examines children's different
backgrounds in South and Central Asia and demonstrates a
diversity of ways children have organised themselves and
influenced their own situations. It provides examples of children's
participation and citisenship in families, communities, schools,
work places, local government bodies and other settings. It
highlights the many diverse and creative ways in which children
organise themselves, let their voices be heard and create change
in their lives, appropriate to their different cultures and
situations. Owner: International Save the Children Alliance - South and Central Asiapdf:



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