Submitted by crinadmin on
Summary: This note discusses some of the issues arising when attempting to define a statistical The note provided a technical background for the country consultations undertaken
standard for child labour in the specific context of Bangladesh. It aims to give an
overview of the measurement challenges encountered, of the empirical and other
evidence that can be used to address such challenges and of the implications in terms of
child labour estimates.
standard for child labour in the specific context of Bangladesh. It aims to give an
overview of the measurement challenges encountered, of the empirical and other
evidence that can be used to address such challenges and of the implications in terms of child labour estimates.
by ILO-IPEC and UCW with national counterparts in April 2007. The consultations
included counterparts from the Bureau of Statistics (BBS), Ministry of Planning,
Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, Ministry of Labour and Employment, UNICEF
and ACPR (Associates for Community and Population Research, a research
organisation). The objectives of the consultations were to promote discussion of child
labour measurement and to obtain feedback from national governments on the open
questions. This feedback will constitute a relevant part of the process leading to the
resolution that ILO will submit to ICLS in 2008.