Submitted by crinadmin on
Our vision is that all children grow up, regardless of where they come from, in a political, communal and social environment, which protects and promotes their rights and dignity. They develop into humane, peaceful and responsible citizens, who help to shape our future together (our vision).
Our mission:
We want to help set up a social environment which protects and promotes children’s rights, particularly in Africa.
Our Axes of Intervention:
(1) Work with the state as guarantor for the implementation of children’s rights
(2) Work with the civil society as legal representative and promoter of children’s rights
(3) Groundwork on the concrete implementation of rights for children in emergency situations
(4) Advocacy and formation of networks on national and international levels.
These axes of intervention are defined in the projects through the goals which have been set and they are filled with content through concrete measures. The implementation of the projects takes place predominantly on location through the local partner organisations, which are advised and supported by KiRA.
Children’s Rights Africa (KiRA)