Submitted by crinadmin on
Global March Against Child Labour is an international movement dedicated to giving every child a chance to live and grow without the burden of exploitative work. Global March is a movement to mobilise worldwide efforts to protect and promote the rights of all children, especially the right to receive a free, meaningful education and to be free from economic exploitation and from performing any wor
Global March Against Child Labour, under the leadership of Kailash Satyarthi, in 1998 is unprecedented in the history of children’s rights and in its efforts in mobilising civil society on a large-scale to fight the scourge of child labour. Traversing 80,000km across the globe, with millions supporting, it was historic in drafting of the ILO Convention 182 on Worst Forms of Child Labour, the fastest ratified convention, and resulting in worldwide efforts for the elimination of child labour. Global March is the largest civil society initiative committed to mobilising global efforts to protect and promote the rights of all children, especially the right to receive a free, meaningful education and to be free from economic exploitation and from performing any work that is likely to be damaging to the child’s development. In last 9 years Global March has grown to span a network of 2000 partners in 144 countries, consisting of NGOs, Trade Unions, Teachers associations and others. Global March Against Child Labour is an international movement dedicated to giving every child a chance to live and grow without the burden of exploitative work. Global March Against Child Labour is a movement to mobilise worldwide efforts to protect and promote the rights of all children, especially the right to receive a free, meaningful education and to be free from economic exploitation and from performing any work that is likely to be harmful to the child's physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.