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The Centre for Child and the Law (CCL) was established on 1st April, 1996, as an specialized Research Centre of the National Law School of India University (NLSIU) Bangalore. This was with a view to further the vision of NLSIU to marry legal expertise with the social sciences, to impact legal education and contribute to law, policy and practice on child rights.The Centre Objectives is To ensure social justice, human rights, and a dignified quality of life for all children, with special focus on equitable quality education, care, protection and justice for marginalised children in India.
To empower and enable increased assertion from children as rights holders in order to enable them to effectively claim their rights.
To contribute to policy, law and practice on child rights, enable compliance with the Constitution of India, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC) and other normative standards.
To integrate Teaching, Research anResearch and Field Action Programmes:
The Centre undertakes Research and Direct Field Action on a range of child rights issues. The core thrust areas are currently on the following :
Juvenile Justice and Child Protection
Universalization of the Right to Equitable Quality School Education
Justice to Children and Human Rights Institutions
Work is also underway on the issues of Child Sexual Abuse, Children with Disability and Right to Food. The Centre is currently focussing on developing and institutionalizing a Child Protection Unit cum Legal Services Extension (C-PULSE)programme. This is aimed at enabling clinical work involving students and NLSIU Faculty, contributing to evidence based recommendations for policy, law and practice and more effectively using law as an instrument for social transformation.
Academic Programmes :
The NLSIU has been offering a pioneering Post Graduate Diploma in Child Rights Law (PGDCRL) through Distance Mode since 2008. This course, conceptualized and developed by CCL is being co-ordinated by the Centre and is one of the many other courses on the anvil, including short intensive courses on Child Rights Law for undergraduate and post graduate law students, and another for practicing lawyers interested in specializing in child rights lawyering. The Centre has conducted optional Seminar Courses for 5th Year B.A.,LL.B(Hons.) students and also taken modules on child rights issues in other under graduate and post graduate Courses at NLSIU.
Bridging Gaps and promoting solidarity among disciplines, academia, local communities and social movements to positively impact the human rights of children.
Socio-legal research drawing from various disciplines, moving towards a more genuine multi-disciplinary approach
Participatory Action Research and Field Extension Projects to contribute to grounded knowledge.
Critically engaging with law and legal strategies as a tool for transformative social change
Ensuring accountability of the state as duty bearer while working from within and outside the system to trigger institutional and structural change that will concretly impact the lives of children and their families. CCL