Submitted by crinadmin on
A non-government & non-commercial organization formed by a group of people who dedicate themselves for the promotion of basic education for girls in the rural
areas of Sindh. Pakistan
The society started its campaign for literacy in 1989 and independently worked for the promotion of education in the rural areas of Sindh. The society had very humble beginnings - a thatched roof office which turned into a coaching center for children who had dropped out from schools because they could no longer afford to attend. Hundreds of children were thus coached, provided schoolbooks, scholarships and uniforms, enabling them to rejoin school. ALWS has successfully demonstrated its gender awareness campaign for its girl's education program. ALWS is also pioneers in Non-Formal Primary Education for rural girls in whole of Pakistan and started its NFPE program in rural areas of Sindh in the year 1991.
The agent of change must also know the socio-economic conditions, cultural norms and environments of the respondents. The total staff & personnel of NGO are local and they know the cultural norms of the targeted area and environment. The NGO's personnel have the knowledge about the power relations and social stratification in the communities of the target areas.
Apart from its girl's education programs, ALWS has been actively involved in improving rural through its educational, adult literacy, water & sanitation, environment awareness, women development, capacity building of community groups' projects. The Confidence building of communities is the most valuable asset of Aasthan Latif Welfare Society. Community Participation is our main key of success in all our projects.