Submitted by crinadmin on
Summary: Update from youth participants Harry, Paul, Ioana and Britt from the second day of the Children and Young People's Consultation on Violence, which is taking in place in New York from 23 - 26 May 2006.
[24 May 2006] - The morning started off with a report back from the “eyes and ears” from the previous day. Overall most of the youth felt that the meeting went well, was efficient, and safe from violence. The only negative was the food! We then discussed the schedule and our work for the day. The first activity was to discuss each specific setting of the chapter. The five settings include home and family, school, work environment, justice system and the community. Each youth was allowed to participate in two of the settings and give feedback. The questions that we answered for each setting was: -What are the key issues in this chapter? -What are you comments on the recommendations? -What kind of activity would you design to teach other youth and adults about this issue and make them aware of what is going on? In the first session, we broke into three groups (home and family, schools, justice system). After two hours of thinking and discussing, we came back together and we presented our conclusions to the group. In the presentations, there were many forms of violence expressed through plays and skits. After that, we broke up again into groups to discuss the other two settings (community and justice system). We again discussed and thought about the recommendations presented and reached conclusions. We did not have time to present our conclusions to the group because we were so involved in our discussions that the time went very quickly! Tomorrow morning we will be presenting the conclusions to the group. For all of the youth, we have some questions for you: -What are the most important issues where you live? What kinds of activities would you propose to teach other people (youth, adults, etc) about the impacts of these issues? Stay tuned for more updates tomorrow. Also, we will be putting up some profiles of the youth here. Perhaps they live in your country, and you can work with them! Harry, Paul, Ioana, Britt [Spanish]
We will put up another post tomorrow with our ideas and conclusions from the meeting (we are still gathering all of the ideas and putting them together). So that you can also comment on what we have discussed and add your ideas!
Tomorrow morning, we will be presenting at the United Nations about the study on violence against children. An organization within the United Nations called the Division of Public Information (DPI) is in charge of making other organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) aware of what the United Nations is working on and how they can be involved and help. We decided that we would present information about the study as well as some of the plays which we created today in each of the different groups. In total, we will be presenting six plays to the audience. We will let you know how it goes!