Submitted by crinadmin on
Summary: 7 May, 2002 -- Key facts about the
U.N. Children's Summit in New York
from May 8-10:
Filed at 6:11 p.m. ET
Key facts about the U.N. Children's Summit in New York from May
OFFICIAL NAME: The United Nations General Assembly Special
Session on Children. It is the first-ever U.N. Special Session on
Children. The 1990 World Summit for Children was not an official
U.N. meeting.
WHO'S ATTENDING: About 3,000 official delegates from over 180
countries including about 60 presidents, prime ministers and
monarchs, and about 200 child delegates. Also attending will be
about 3,000 representatives of non-governmental organizations
and about 1,500 journalists.
GOALS: To evaluate progress in meeting 27 goals set by the
1990 children's summit and to set new priorities and goals for the
next 15 years on a range of issues including health, education,
protection of children and combating HIV/AIDS.
SCOPE OF THE PROBLEM: An estimated 150 million of the more
than 2 billion children in the world are malnourished; nearly 11
million die before their fifth birthday; over 120 million do not
attend school; 10 million die each year from preventable causes;
and some 300,000 are fighting in wars.
Association: The New York Times