GEORGIA: Animation film by children - ''Maintain your individuality"

This animation film was created by children who are members of the Advisory Panel of the Children's Rights Centre at the Office of the Public Defender of Georgia and the students of the State Academy of Arts in Tbilisi. Film production was supported by UNICEF.

The Youth Advisory Council is established within the framework of the Children's Rights Centre. The members of the Council regularly hold  meetings with schoolchildren from different public schools. In 2014 relevant problems in relation to children's rights were presented and discussed throughout these meetings.

These issues transpired into one challenge that children face – maintaining one’s individuality. As a result, children decided  to write a plot for a short animation film. In children’s view, in this way the idea would be presented more accurately.

The film shows child as a person in different settings – at school, home and in the society. Every setting has its impact on the person. But in children’s view, the most important skill in this process is maintaining one's own individual  world. Only this makes person a meaningful member of the society.

The last words in Georgian on the screen say: “Maintain your individuality”.


Author org: 
Office of the Public Defender of Georgia

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