Submitted by Robin on
Todorova, Velina
Country of birth:
Bulgarian, English, Russian
Current position/function:
Associate Professor, University of Plovdiv and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1995 - present).
Member to the Experts’ Committee on the CoE Strategy on the Rights of the Child (2014-15).
Board member of the Bulgarian Centre for Non for Profit Law (2015). Editorial Advisory Board Member of the International Journal on the Rights of the Child, BRILL, Nijhoff.
Main professional activities
2011 - 2013: Deputy Minister of Justice
2004 - 2009: National Program Manager for International Labour Organisation (ILO)/ IPEC (2004–09)
2001 - 2004: Director International Cooperation – Agency for Child Protection to the Council of Ministers
1999 - 2016: Extensive legal expertise and experience in law making, strategic planning.
Why do you want to serve on the CRC?
I believe that the Committee as a monitoring body of independent experts should be as widely representative as possible and avail of the expertise of professionals from different geographical regions representing the principal legal systems in the world. I am confident that with my diverse experience I can make valuable contribution to its work. Coming from a country that has passed through a difficult transition period my professional knowledge and expertise cover a wide range of perspectives - from direct work with children to law and policy making, implementation at governmental and non-governmental level as well as the academia. My regional and international experience as part of highly professional and motivated teams is also inspiring.
What do you see as important emerging child rights issues that you believe the Committee should be addressing?
Although children’s rights have achieved a global recognition, there are still many new and ‘old’ concerns that need to be addressed. Conflicts and crises in different parts of the world create new challenges, including the issues of child soldiers and rights of children in migration which need our immediate attention. We are also facing new dimensions of the ‘old’ violations of child rights – decreasing access of children to resources especially in the context of climate change, gender and social inequalities, violence and exploitation as well as corruption and inefficient justice systems. A global shift from commitments to action is required for ensuring real progress in the protection of children and their rights.