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Summary: This is the final declaration as presented at the Children's Consultation on Violence against Girls and Boys in Africa, which took place 9-10 May 2006 in Addis Ababa. The declaration was prepared by the VIC Group: Very Important Children Group.
We are girls and boys from Ethiopia, Kenya, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda who participated in the conference on violence against children - and particularly on violence against girls.
We have discussed about many forms of violence, mainly :
Psychological /mental
The forms of violence which are common in our countries are for example corporal and other forms of humiliating punishment, sexual abuse, FGM, bullying, ETC ….
Some of the causes of these forms of violence are:
harmful traditional attitudes, in particular against girls;
lack of awareness on the affect of violence on children ;
ignorance of people on child rights;
lack of good governance;
lack of children participation;
irresponsibility of adults….
gender discrimination
- overall violence in the society, including war and conflict.
Based on CRC and ACRWC, we propose the following:
1) Government should adopt and implement laws against all forms of violence (including corporal and other forms of humiliating punishment, child sexual abuse, FGM etc) ;
2)Governments should create awareness raising programmes on violence against girls and boys;
3) Governments and other agencies should give a chance to girls and boys to participate in all activities to fight against violence and discrimination;
4)Governments and other agencies should create the awareness of the population on the consequences of violence by using child friendly tools (for example in media) to reach children and adults;
5) Governments and other agencies should enable children to have access to the international and regional mechanisms, such as CRC and ACERWC.
Our peers, our parents, Governments, National and International Communities and the African Union:
We call on all of you to help us to get our rights, including protection from all forms of violence against children.
VIC Group: Very Important Children