Submitted by crinadmin on
[BARCELONA, 3 August 2011] - Open consultation on the first draft of the concept paper on the Commitment to Children Audit (CCA) has begun this week. The Commitment to Children Audit is a GMC-led project to develop a new and powerful outreach and advocacy tool that will measure the level of commitment governments have vis-à-vis children. Based on the CRC, the CCA will focus on highlighting disparities in the country and measuring the performance of governments against their economic neighbours.
Aimed at regional and national child rights organisations and GMC country offices, the main objective of the poll is to engage the child rights movement at national and regional level from the outset of the project, avoiding top-down initiatives that may not always match national and regional priorities. It also aims to validate the applicability and efficiency of the tool as designed by the international working group developing the tool.
The Commitment to Children Audit is envisaged as “a very useful tool to focus the attention on child-rights issues, particularly at country level” says GMC Executive Coordinator, Miquel de Paladella, “the CCA is a very flexible measurement tool; in addition to generating an international ranking based on internationally-comparable data, it will allow national platforms to contribute their own qualitative indicators and make a contextualized assessment of their country”, he concludes.
It is foreseen that this prominent role of the National Audit part presents a good number of opportunities to generate public debate on child rights issues as produce a more qualitative response to the international ranking derived from the International Audit process.
Participants will be able to provide their opinion on as essential issues as the focus of the tool, the areas to be examined, the indicators proposed, the overall communications strategy or even the name of the tool.
In order to reach the biggest possible number of participants, the survey can be completed in French, English and Spanish. Going through the 30-odd questions of the poll takes about 30 minutes and participants are requested to submit their responses by September 4th.
To take the survey, please go to:
- Open Consultation on the CCA in English
- Open Consultation on the CCA in Spanish
- Open Consultation on the CCA in French
This open consultation is a critical stage in the project since country-level engagement and participation is integral to making the CCA the useful and powerful tool it is envisaged to be.
For further information, please visit the GMC website, watch the presentation, or contact the GMC at