Submitted by crinadmin on
Summary: Children's statement at the closing session of the conference 'Violence against girls in Africa', taking place in Addis Ababa from 11 to 12 May 2006.
A call and promise for action We would like our governments and other responsible organizations to: We would now like to conclude with a poem.
Children’s statement
As children from all over Africa, we would like to thank all the NGOs who organized the children’s meeting and especially Save the Children’s regional office for East and Central Africa.
We would also like to thank the Africa Policy Forum for having organized this conference. We would like to encourage you to continue to organize this kind of forums and continue to invite children and young people from all over Africa.
We would also like to thank Professor Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, for taking his time to come and share his time with us children.
We girls and boys from 6 countries, Ethiopia, Kenya, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda commit ourselves to:
Sensitize other children and our communities on children’s rights.
Violence, violence, violence
Why do you need to focus your eyes so much on the African children
Why do you want to ruin the fruits of tomorrow
We the African children are tried of sexual violence, corporal punishment, and gender inequality.
Violence, violence, violence
Where do you come from
Who are your parents
Why are you the enemy of peace and love
Oh, God we wish one day, violence and peace could have a peaceful talk
Violence, violence, violence
You made us the children of Africa,
Loss all the hopes in the educational life
You made our future useless,
We are the future leaders and doctors,
teachers, parents doctors, leaders and all the people
why do you violate us
We the African children want peace, love, care and unity
Give us peace today if you want good fruits tomorrow!!!