Summary: In preparation of the UN General
Assembly special session on
HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS is collaborating
with MTV International is to produce
a short video which will film young
people from around the world
answering the question "what do
you think young people could do
about HIV/AIDS"?
In preparation of the UN General Assembly special session on
HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS is collaborating with MTV International is to
produce a short video which will film young people from around
the world answering the question "what do you think young
people could do about HIV/AIDS"?
The African Youth Millennium Summit has been proposed as a
forum to capture young people from all over Africa for the
purpose of this video project. The summit will take place from 16-
22 April in Abuja, Nigeria and will identify and select individuals
from the delegates from the various African countries who will
appear in the video.