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Translators without Borders facilitates the transfer of knowledge from one
language to another by creating and managing a community of NGOs who need
translations and professional, vetted translators who volunteer their time to help.
Through the...
Promotes child rights and lobbies
governments and UN agencies on
child rights relevant to the North
America and European regions
This group was created through the
preparatory process for the Special
Session on Children. As part of the
Latin America and Caribbean Caucus,
the Second PrepCom the group
a position statement: Posición del
Caucus Regional de...
The Caucus for Children's Rights (CCR) is comprised of people and organizations committed to the protection of children and youth in Tanzania. CCR wants both Tanzanians and the government to recognize that our choices about children in homes and...
This group was created through the
preparatory process for the Special
Session on Children. As part of the
Latin America and Caribbean Caucus,
the Second PrepCom the group
a position statement: Posición del
Caucus Regional de...
Promote and expand the use of humanitarian cease-fires to protect children during armed conflict. Improve implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child before, during, and post-conflict. Prevent the use of child soldiers and adopt the...
First Call is a coalition of individuals and organizations whose purpose is to create greater understanding of and advocacy for legislation, policy, and practice to ensure that all children and youth have the opportunities and resources required to...
works on issues and practives that
almost exclusively affect girls. These
abortion, infanticide, genital
circumcision and forced marriage, as
well as some forms of sexual
exploitation where girls are primary
targets, such...