
The most populous democracy in the world, the State of India, borders Bangladesh, China, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal and Myanmar, and has coastlines on the Indian Ocean, Arabian Gulf and Bay of Bengal. Since independence and the violent partition from Pakistan in 1947, India has maintained a federal and democratic system characterised by strong central institutions but frequent changes of national government and short lived coalitions between different parties. India’s major human rights issues include torture and killings by the police, abuses related to the conflict in Kashmir and prejudice against particular social, religious or ethnic groups.

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Quick Facts

125835100070Population44833600024.940195541626Population under 151370000007.6210850549648Number of internet users
136 Human development index32 Happy planet ranking

Organisations in India

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Research and Monitoring

Policy and Advocacy

INDIA: UPR submission on inhuman sentencing
21 Sep 2016
Since the enactment of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2013 in Jammu and Kashmir, life...
LABOUR RIGHTS: Child labour and protecting working children
11 Jun 2015
Ahead of the World Day against Child Labour on 12 June, CRIN looks at whether in countries where child workers will work with or without labour protections, is a blanket ban on child work the best way of guaranteeing children's interests? 
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