
RIGHT TO VOTE: CRIN's submission for the forum on human rights, democracy and the rule of law
3/Oct/2018 Publication
CRIN made this submission in May 2018 to provide input ahead of the Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law...
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VOTING: CRIN's submission for OHCHR's study on the human rights of young people
12/Jan/2018 Publication
CRIN's submission on children's right to vote.
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CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS: CRIN's submission to the Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule Law
8/Aug/2016 Publication
CRIN's submission to the Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule Law, covering freedom of expression, freedom of...
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How to occupy your school: a lesson from Brazil
3/Aug/2016 Publication
With Brazil suffering an economic slowdown and a major political crisis many public services have been hit with cuts to free up cash ahead of the Olympics. Students have occupied schools across the country to fight back.
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MEXICO: La consulta infantil
28/May/2015 News
En las elecciones federales se instalarán casillas para la Consulta Infantil en todo el país para hacer escuchar la opinión de la niñez y la juventud.
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LIBERTÉ D'EXPRESSION : le rapporteur spécial de l'ONU publie un rapport sur la liberté d'expression des enfants
29/Oct/2014 Publication
Ce rapport examine le droit des enfants à la liberté d'expression et à l'accès à l'information, en s'inquiétant de l’adoption de différentes mesures de restriction de l’information au nom de la soi-disant protection des enfants.
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FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION: Child rights-focused report by the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression
28/Oct/2014 Publication
The report examines children’s right to freedom of expression and access to information, while noting with concern the adoption of various restrictive measures allegedly aimed at protecting children from harmful information. 
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ANDORRA: Children's Rights in UN Treaty Body Reports
26/Nov/2013 Publication
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the Concluding Observations of all UN Treaty Bodies...
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CIVIL RIGHTS: Freedom of expression and children's rights
4/May/2010 Publication
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without...
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