Sexual exploitation

Human Rights Council: Joint Statement on sexual exploitation and child pornography
29/Sep/2006 News
Summary: Statement delivered by the World YWCA, the World Alliance of YMCAs, UN Watch and the Women's World Summit...
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France: Air France condamne le tourisme sexuel
25/Sep/2006 News
Summary: Air France est associée à ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual...
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Second Meeting of the PC-ES
Mon, 11/09/2006 - 00:00 Event
The second meeting of the Committee of Experts on the protection of children against sexual exploitation and abuse (PC-ES)...
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Uganda: 40 children are born with HIV each day and one in two is malnourished
3/Aug/2006 News
Summary: With Ugandan elections on February 23 just weeks away, Save the Children is calling on the candidates to pledge...
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Cambodia: Stop Violence Against Us! Second Report
27/Jun/2006 Publication
Summary: This report covers bullying, selling of children and child towards adult violence in Cambodia.pdf: http://www...
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