Immigration and deportation

FRANCE : maintien des tests osseux pour déterminer l'âge des migrants
15/May/2015 News
Les amendements proposant d’interdire cet examen médical controversé, utilisé abusivement pour déterminer la majorité des jeunes migrants, ont été repoussés par le gouvernement.
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OPEN LETTER: Call for action to stop repeated human tragedies in the Mediterranean
23/Apr/2015 News
The European Network of Ombudspersons for Children appeals to all national governments, the European Union, and the International Community to act. 
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MÉDITERRANNÉE : mettre l’intérêt supérieur des enfants au cœur des mesures prises
22/Apr/2015 News
L'Unicef appelle les autorités à renforcer les actions pour éviter d’autres tragédies en Méditerranée, et à mettre l’intérêt supérieur des enfants au cœur des mesures prises.  
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MEXICO: Niños de EEUU se quedan sin educación
1/Apr/2015 News
Escuelas mexicanas desconocen el proceso de recibir a un niño extranjero.
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ITALY: Scores of migrant boat children sent to care facilities, but hundreds still waiting
6/Mar/2015 News
More than 700 unaccompanied children are still living in initial reception facilities in Italy while they wait to be placed in children’s homes.
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تقرير عالمي: التقرير السنوي لامنستي 2014-2015
26/Feb/2015 Publication
كان عام 2014 عام دمار لمن سعوا إلى رفع راية حقوق الإنسان والدفاع عنها، ولمن حاصرتهم ضروب المعاناة في مناطق الحروب.
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GLOBAL REPORT: Amnesty International annual report 2014/2015
25/Feb/2015 Publication
'This has been a devastating year for those seeking to stand up for human rights and for those caught up in the suffering of war zones. We must hope that, looking backward to 2014 in the years to come, what we lives through will be seen as an ultimate low point from which we rose up and created a better future.'
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AUSTRALIA: 'The Forgotten Children - national inquiry into children in immigration detention'
13/Feb/2015 Publication
This report by the Australian Human Rights Commission shows evidence of how immigration detention is harming children's mental and physical health. 
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MIGRATION: Deported Central American child migrants face death at home
4/Feb/2015 News
Last year, nearly 60 percent of children interviewed by the UNHCR said they had fled abroad because they feared being recruited or faced harm at the hands of armed groups.
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