Immigration and deportation

AUSTRALIA: Fresh hope for Baby Ferouz
18/Dec/2014 News
Thirty-one children born to asylum seeker parents have been given permission to remain in Australia in a "one-off" move that follows sweeping immigration reforms in the Senate.
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زيارة الأماكن التي يوجد فيها أطفال محرومين من حريتهم نتيجة إجراءات الهجرة – دليل لفائدة البرلمانيين
8/Feb/2018 Publication
Guide for Parliamentarians: Visiting places where children are deprived of their liberty as a result of immigration procedures زيارة الأماكن التي يوجد فيها أطفال محرومين من حريتهم  نتيجة إجراءات الهجرة:دليل لفائدة البرلمانيين
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Visiter les lieux où des enfants sont privés de liberté à la suite de procédures d'immigration - Guide à l’intention des Parlementaires
6/Feb/2018 Publication
Guide à l’intention des Parlementaires : Visiter les lieux où des enfants sont privés de liberté à la suite de procédures d'immigration -  (2018)
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Visiting places where children are deprived of their liberty as a result of immigration procedures - Guide for Parliamentarians
6/Feb/2018 Publication
Guide for Parliamentarians: Visiting places where children are deprived of their liberty as a result of immigration procedures
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