18 May 2007 - Update: The Secretary-General's Study on Violence against Children 30
- ENDING VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN: International call for action [petition]
- MIDDLE EAST: Launch of Violence Study in Arabic [event]
- RESOURCES: Latest resources on the violence website [publications]
This list is the primary means of communication for organisations interested in the UN Study on Violence Against Children. Updates are sent approximately once a month. Please feel free to forward these updates to others who may be interested.
If you do not receive this email in html format, you will not be able to see some hyperlinks in the text. At the end of each item we have therefore provided a full URL linking to a web page where further information is available.
ENDING VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN: International call for action [petition]
AN INTERNATIONAL CALL FOR ACTION TO END VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN: Establish a Special Representative to the UN Secretary-General on Violence against Children
Violence is a daily reality for millions of children around the world, affecting girls and boys of all ages, all social contexts, and all nationalities. In every part of their lives —their homes and families, schools, institutions, workplaces and communities — children may be beaten, sexually assaulted, tortured, and even killed. The perpetrators of this violence are often the very individuals who are responsible for protecting children – their parents, guardians, teachers, employers, the police and security forces. Violence is a global epidemic of scandalous proportions, violating every child’s right to a safe and healthy environment.
The UN Secretary-General’s 2006 Study on Violence against Children exposes the shocking scope of violence against children and documents its devastating effects on children, their families, their communities, and broader society. The Study clearly establishes the urgent need for immediate action to prevent and respond to violence against children in all of its forms.
We, as local, national, regional, and international non-governmental organisations from every part of the world, call on each UN member state to fully implement the Study’s important recommendations.
Having carefully considered alternative ways of ensuring global leadership on this issue, we also call on member states to act at the 2007 UN General Assembly to establish a Special Representative to the Secretary-General on Violence against Children to work with the UN system, member states, NGOs, children and youth as a high-level and high-profile advocate to ensure concrete action to end violence against children in all parts of the world.
This stament is also available in the following languages: Français - Español - Arabic
List of organisations that have signed up will be listed shortly.
Sign up to the statement by emailing us on: [email protected] or [email protected]
Further information
For more information, contact:
NGO Advisory Council for the UN Study on Violence Against Children
Cristina at [email protected]
Visit: http://www.crin.org/resources/infoDetail.asp?ID=13401
MIDDLE EAST: Launch of Violence Study in Arabic [event]
This event will take place under the auspices and with the presence of H. E. Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak, the First Lady of Egypt and Chair of the Technical Advisory Committee of The National Council for Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM) in Egypt.
NCCM is organising the launch of the Arabic version of the Study in collaboration with the League of Arab States (LAS), UNICEF, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Arab Council for Childhood and development (ACCD) and Save the Children (Sweden).
The event will be hosted by Ambassador Moushira Khattab Secretary General of the NCCM and Chair of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Regional Steering Committee. NCCM has committed itself to translate the Study into Arabic in order to assist the MENA region countries in their endeavours to implement the recommendations of the Study, and raise the awareness of key stakeholders in the region on the issues related to violence against children.
This regional event will include representatives of governments, civil society, UN agencies, international human rights organisations, regional organisations, the private sector as well as children.
The launch of the Arabic version of the Study will provide a forum to examine a number of critical issues for the well-being of the child:
Round table discussion with the participation of 25 eminent personalities to answer questions put up by children.
Providing an excellent opportunity for children to air their views concerning the implementation of the recommendations of the study
Training workshop on the protection and safety of children in their use of the internet, organized by Microsoft along with the launch of their Child Friendly Tool Kit.
A session on the protection of children from trafficking organized by "End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes" (ECPAT)
Sessions on corporal punishment, violence and the role of the media, and on the UN Guidelines on Justice Matters relating to Children Witnesses and Victims of Crime.
For more information, contact:
Ms. Noha el Labban, Child Right Programme Coordinator
The National Council for Childhood & Motherhood (NCCM)
Cairo, Egypt
Tel: +20 2 5240277; Fax: +20 2 5240701
Email: [email protected]
Visit: http://www.crin.org/resources/infoDetail.asp?ID=13108&flag=event
RESOURCES: Latest resources on the violence website [publications]
Establishing a Special Representative on Violence Against Children, NGO Advisory Council, May 2007. French, Spanish and Arabic forthcoming.
Go to: http://www.crin.org/docs/SRSG_May2007.pdf
NEW ZEALAND: Smacking law passed, BBC, 16 May 2007
Go to: http://www.crin.org/violence/search/closeup.asp?infoID=13363
A toolkit on positive discipline, Save the Children Sweden, May 2007
Go to: http://www.crin.org/violence/search/closeup.asp?infoID=13357
VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN: Handbook for parliamentarians launched, UNICEF, May 2007.
Go to: http://www.crin.org/violence/search/closeup.asp?infoID=13242
UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL: Appeal from 147 countries in support of the Special Procedures, May 2007.
Go to: http://www.crin.org/violence/search/closeup.asp?infoID=13299
For more news and reports, go to: http://www.crin.org/violence/search/index.asp
This Update is an electronic mailing list of the Child Rights Information Network (CRIN), in collaboration with the Chairs of the NGO Advisory Council, the NGO Subgroup on Children and Violence and the Secretariat for the Violence Study. CRIN does not accredit, validate or substantiate any information posted by members to this Update. The validity and accuracy of any information is the responsibility of the originator.
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