6 October 2006 - Update: The Secretary-General's Study on Violence against Children 21
- CHILDREN AND VIOLENCE: UN Study Launched Next Week [news]
- CHILDREN AND VIOLENCE: CRIN Newsletter 19 in Arabic [publication]
This list is the primary means of communication for NGOs interested in the UN Study on Violence Against Children and for the Subgroup on Children and Violence. Updates are sent approximately once a month. Please feel free to forward these updates to others who may be interested.
If you do not receive this email in html format, you will not be able to see some hyperlinks in the text. At the end of each item we have therefore provided a full URL linking to a web page where further information is available.
CHILDREN AND VIOLENCE: UN Study Launched Next Week [news]
The Secretary-General's Study on Violence Against Children will be launched next week at the UN General Assembly by the Independent Expert leading the study, Paulo Sergio Pinheiro.
The launch will begin with the presentation of the report to the General Assembly and will be followed by a series of other activities which will take place over two days, including the launch of the child-friendly report, hosted by Save the Children, a press conference with the heads of UN Agencies, a roundtable discussion and an exhibiton of children's art.
For more details about the events in New York, go to: http://www.crin.org/violence/search/closeup.asp?infoID=9633
On October 12th, children and young people will be leading the roundtable discussion with high-level guests. Voices of Youth is calling children and young people to submit questions that the children and young people in New York can put to these high-level guests on their behalf. Visit the discussion boards and post any questions you would like to ask about violence against children in one of the following settings:
+ Home and family
+ Schools
+ Justice and care institutions
+ Workplaces
+ Community
and tell us who you would like to answer your question: a UN agency, a government, an NGO or someone from the private sector.
More information Here.
The Violence Study is being presented at the 61st session of the General Assembly, to its Third Committee, which is the committee that deals with human rights and children's rights. Other reports relevant to children's rights will also be presented to this Committee who will then draft a resolution on children's rights, based on the recommendations of these reports.
More information about other events at the General Assembly.
A group of children and young people from around the world are going to New York prior to the launch to prepare for their contribution and participation. The events will also be attended by representatives of NGOs, the three UN agencies involved in the Study, namely UNICEF, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the World Health Organisation, and government representatives.
For more details about events click here.
The NGO Advisory Panel for the Study, which was formed to facilitate broad and effective NGO involvement in the study is organising a meeting to prepare for follow-up to the Study and advocacy activities.
Based on the key findings of the Study, the NGO Advisory Panel has prepared a series of recommendations, which include strong endorsement of the Study recommendations and the appointment of a Special Representative to the Secretary-General on Violence against Children. The Advisory Panel has also drafted a proposal for the resolution on children's rights. [links provided below]
The report will be made available next week on the website of the Study Secretariat and on the CRIN website. Further information about events and participation is also available on their website at: www.violencestudy.org
CRIN's website on Children and Violence has recently been updated with the following information:
A proposal for a GA Resolution on children's rights in
English -
French -
CRIN will also be reporting from New York on the activities taking place, including children's participation. Information will be sent out via this email list. If you would like to get more detailed information, you can subscribe to our Violence CRINMAIL here http://www.crin.org/email/subscribe.asp or visit our website: www.childrenandviolence
For more information, contact:
Child Rights Information Network
1 St John's Lane
London EC1M 4AR
Tel: + 44 20 7012 6866 or 67; Fax: + 44 020 7012 6899
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.crin.org
Visit: http://www.crin.org/resources/infoDetail.asp?ID=10570
CHILDREN AND VIOLENCE: CRIN Newsletter 19 in Arabic [publication]
CRIN recently published its new yearly thematic Newsletter. The last issue focused on Children and Violence, to coincide with the near completion of the UN Study on Violence Against Children, and its presentation to the UN General Assembly. While this newsletter is being published within the framework of the Study, it is meant to inform but also support NGOs in their broader work in this area.
The newsletter was initially published in English and translated into French and Spanish. The Newsletter is currently being translated into Arabic. Articles translated so far are:
More information in Arabic is available on our website here: http://www.crin.org/arabic/index.asp
In collaboration with the Arab Resource Collective, we recently launched a new CRINMAIL Arabic, available here: http://www.crin.org/arabic/index.asp
For more information, contact:
Child Rights Information Network
1 St John's Lane
London EC1M 4AR
Tel: + 44 20 7012 6866 or 67; Fax: + 44 020 7012 6899
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.crin.org
This Update is an electronic mailing list administered by the Child Rights Information Network (CRIN), in collaboration with the co-chairs of the NGO Advisory Panel and the NGO Subgroup on Children and Violence. CRIN does not accredit, validate or substantiate any information posted by members to this Update. The validity and accuracy of any information is the responsibility of the originator.
To subscribe, unsusbscribe or view archives, visit http://www.crin.org/email.