Annex II: Comparisons of OP3CRC to existing complaints mechanisms

It is worth considering whether the CRC complaints mechanism is the best fit for a particular situation, or if a complaint would be better brought before another treaty body. This annex offers a way to directly compare international human rights complaints mechanisms, and seeks to draw out the differences between and among communications procedures already in operation and the CRC complaints mechanism. It covers the complaints mechanisms set out in the treaties listed below, with a primary focus on procedures for accepting individual communications and further mention of inquiries and inter-state communications. Importantly, as with the CRC complaints mechanism, communications can only be submitted with regard to governments that have agreed for complaints to be brought against them. Information on which governments have accepted communications procedures is available via the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights or CRIN's Children's Rights Wiki.

Read understanding OP3-CRC: Comparisons of existing complaints mechanisms