5. Systematic monitoring – data collection and evaluation

La Carga Global de la Violencia Armada 2011
3/Nov/2011 Publication
Summary: Nueve de cada diez muertes violentas ocurren en contextos exentos de conflictos. El crimen es la primera causa de...
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The Global Burden of Armed Violence 2011
3/Nov/2011 Publication
Summary: Nine out of ten violent deaths occur outside conflicts.Crime is the single largest contributor to violent...
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COSTA RICA: Persistent violations of children's rights
2/Nov/2011 Publication
Summary: The violations highlighted are those issues raised with the State by more than one international mechanism. This...
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UNITED KINGDOM: British Children under Age 18 "Inadvertently" Sent to Iraq and Afghanistan
27/Oct/2011 News
Summary: British authorities have confirmed that children under the age of 18 were accidentally deployed to operational...
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MONDE : Pour en finir avec le mariage des enfants, que rien ne justifie
27/Sep/2011 News
Summary: Le mariage des enfants constitue une des traditions qui entrave les initiatives de développement sur de nombreux...
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CHILE: Estudio de bullying en el colegio - La silenciosa violencia cotidiana
23/Sep/2011 Publication
Summary: Hallazgos del estudio sobre bullying en estudiantes de enseñanza básica ymedia en la Región Metropolitana,...
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