5. Systematic monitoring – data collection and evaluation

19/May/2011 Publication
Summary: The United Nations Violence Against Children Study recognised the role of child helplines in addressing and...
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Violence contre les enfants - quatrieme rapport de CHI
27/Apr/2011 Publication
Summary: Le rôle des lignes d’assistance aux enfants dans la lutte et la prévention de la violence contre les enfants a...
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YEMEN: Protect Victims of Forgotten War (Arabic)
2/Apr/2011 News
اليمن: ينبغي حماية ضحايا الحرب المنسية...
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OPT: children live in poverty, lack basic needs and resort to labour market (Arabic)
2/Apr/2011 News
الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة: أطفال فلسطين يعانون من الفقر ونقص الإمكانيات الضرورية للتنشئة السليمة...
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YEMEN: Five-year old girl raped (Arabic)
2/Apr/2011 News
اليمن: اغتصاب طفلة في الخامسة من عمرها.. ومنظمة سياج تطالب بسرعة إحالة المتهم للقضاء وتثمن موقف محافظ عمران...
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ISRAEL: New report highlights child abuse risks (Arabic)
2/Apr/2011 News
إسرائيل: تقرير جديد يلقي الضوء على مخاطر سوء معاملة الأطفال...
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MEXICO: The slaughter of children
7/Mar/2011 News
Summary: The issue of "youthcide" in Mexico is grabbing increased attention at both the national and international levels,...
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IRELAND: Child welfare issues cannot be ignored on polling day
21/Feb/2011 News
Summary: With the upcoming 2011 Irish General Election, voters are urged to engage with candidates who are proposing...
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SAUDI ARABIA- Children's Rights References in the Universal Periodic Review (Arabic)
19/Nov/2010 Publication
السعودية: حقوق الطفل في الاستعراض الدوري الشامل...
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