Summary: October 3-6 2002, Bornholm,
It is the aim of the conference to
inspire and create the basis for
concrete cooperation in the youth
area between the present EU
Member States, the
applicant countries and the CIS.
The conference...
Summary: Education of Roma/Gypsy Children
will be heldin Kosice, Slovakia. The
aim of this project is the exchange of
educational experience and training
in new methods of working with
Roma/gypsy children. The seminar
will focus on the setting...
Madre works in partnership with
community-based women's
organisations in conflict areas
worldwide.Madre works in the area of women's
health, economic development and
other human rights. Madre provides
resources and training for its sister...
The mission of the RNC is to strengthen and facilitate cooperation between NGOs and UNICEF for children's rights and their well-being, within the framework of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.Activities include: developing an NGO network...
This is a membership organisation
and bases its work on the UNCRC. It
strives for children's rights and for a
dignified life for poor and vulnerable
children both in Norway and abroad.
The work is concentrated in 6 areas:
armed conflicts,...
What is UNESCO?
UNESCO - the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) was founded on 16 November 1945
UNESCO works to create the conditions for dialogue among civilisations, cultures and peoples, based...
This is a bilingual report in Italian and English.
Setting priorities after a war is indeed a hard task, but the mine
problem should rank high on any agenda for the material and
social development of Bosnia. Of the many issues...
Summary: This casebook analyses the lessons for
working with disabled children learned
from a radical and ambitious programme
initiated by Oxfam GB at the height of
the war in Bosnia. Oxfam's Summary of the publication
This casebook analyses the...
CIDA pursues poverty reduction mainly through a focus on stimulating sustainable economic growth, increasing food security, and securing a future for children and youth. Environmental sustainability, gender equality and good governance are integral...
World Vision is an international Christian relief and development organisation working to promote the well-being of all people - especially children. World Vision seeks to serve people who are poor worldwide, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic...