Summary: Armed conflict is robbing 28 million children of an education by exposing them to widespread rape and other sexual violence, targeted attacks on schools and other human rights abuses, UNESCO’s 2011 Global Monitoring Report warns. Violent...
Summary: Los conflictos armados hipotecan el futuro de 28 millones de niños, según un informe de la UNESCO. [1 de marzo de 2011] – Los conflictos armados privan a 28 millones de niños de la posibilidad de instruirse y los exponen al...
'The State of the World's Children 2011 – Adolescence: An Age of Opportunity,' UNICEF's flagship report, focuses on the development and rights of more than a billion children aged 10 to 19 worldwide as they negotiate the critical period...
The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ has released its 2010 Annual Report entitled, Attacks on the Press in 2010: A Worldwide Survey, which determines that international institutions such as those within the United Nations have failed to...
Summary: This page provides information on the Civil Society Forum on the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child. The forum, which is now held prior to every session of the African Committee on the Rights and Welfare of the Child,...
Given the escalation of disasters we are witnessing and their impact on children’s rights and wellbeing, we are encouraged by the growing acknowledgement by development and humanitarian practitioners, donors and policy makers of the important...
A child's right to acquire a nationality is evident in the Convention on the Rights of the Child—the main United Nations treaty governing states' human rights obligations towards children. But the way states are supposed to interpret and...
Summary: Written jointly by the Children's Research Centre, Trinity College Dublin and the Centre for Social and Educational Research, Dublin Institute of TechnologyThe purpose of this study is to explore children and young people’s...
Summary: This issue includes updates on the state of achieving a full prohibition across the world, a new Campaigns Manual, lots of newly published research on corporal punishment of children, and much more. pdf:
The Right to Education Project and ActionAid has launched the Promoting Rights in Schools: providing quality public education (PRS) resource pack. Aimed at actively engaging parents, children, teachers, unions, communities...