Article 40: Administration of juvenile justice

ITALY: Abolishing youth courts would be 'a step in the wrong direction'
13/Jun/2017 News
Italy is considering abolishing its system of youth courts, but tens of thousands of people have urged them to reconsider. Learn more and sign their petition here.
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РУМЫНИЯ: Иск НПО, бросившей вызов халатности в государственных интернатах
10/May/2017 Publication
Оставленный матерью в младенческом возрасте, Валентин Кампеану в конечном итоге умер в румынском доме-интернате. Две НПО подали жалобу в ЕСПЧ с целью привлечь к ответственности Румынию и не допустить подобных случаев в будущем.
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DEATH PENALTY: Submission for the Secretary-General's report on the death penalty 2017
30/Mar/2017 Publication
CRIN is campaigning for the abolition of inhuman sentencing of children, defined to include the death penalty, corporal...
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PAKISTAN: UPR submission on inhuman sentencing of children
28/Mar/2017 Publication
Corporal punishment, life imprisonment and the death penalty are lawful sentences for offences committed by children in...
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DEPRIVATION OF LIBERTY: New resources and statistics
1/Mar/2017 News
New resources on children deprived of their liberty, including a compilation of statistics on children detained in the criminal justice system across almost 180 countries.
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Juvenile justice: CRIN's submission to the OHCHR on discrimination in the justice system
1/Mar/2017 Publication
CRIN's submission for the OHCHR report on non-discrimination and the administration of justice.
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KUWAIT: Inhuman sentencing of children
14/Feb/2017 Publication
In March 2017, Kuwait abolished the death penalty and life imprisonment for offences committed while under the age of 18.
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Ending legalised violence against children - Global progress to December 2016
19/Jan/2017 Publication
The annual global report of the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children, celebrating progress towards universal prohibition of corporal punishment.
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JOINT STATEMENT: Child Justice Advocacy Group calls on government of the Philippines to reject MACR reforms
13/Jan/2017 Publication
The Child Justice Advocacy Group calls on the government of the Philippines to reject proposals to lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility
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