Self-identified Satanist group seek equal treatment after a public school discrict in Orange County, Florida allows a Christian group to pass out Bibles to its students.
Federal officials are due to open a huge family detention centre in southern Texas that will house immigrant adults with children while they await deportation.
Child rights defender believes that American and Honduran political leaders only concerned with border security instead of addressing the root causes of migration.
Inquiry finds that the civil rights of male teenagers were violated and that there was no protection given to the boys from the rampant use of unnecessary and excessive force by correction officers.
Les prisons pour jeunes délinquants à New York sont gangrenées par de la violence extrême et une sécurité défaillante, des gardiens violant fréquemment les droits des détenus adolescents, les soumettant à un «usage croissant de force excessive et inutile»