United States

4/Aug/2014 Country
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USA: Pharmaceutical company found guilty of misleading families on unapproved drugs
7/Jul/2014 News
Drugs manufacturer also bribed doctors into prescribing unapproved drugs to children.
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ÉTATS-UNIS : crise humanitaire face à un afflux d'enfants sans-papiers
7/Jul/2014 News
Le récent afflux d'enfants arrivés illégalement aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique centrale provoque une importante crise humanitaire et prend maintenant un tournant politique. RTBF, 2 Juillet 2014
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USA: Victory for LGBTI children after Supreme Court ruling on California law
1/Jul/2014 News
US Supreme Court has declined to hear a challenge to a California law that bans “conversion therapy” aimed at changing the sexual orientation of gay and lesbian minors.
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JUVENILE JUSTICE: US Attorney-General calls for an end to "excessive" use of solitary confinement
19/May/2014 News
US Attorney-General, Eric Holder, says placing children in solitary confinement "can be dangerous, and a serious impediment to the ability of juveniles to succeed once released."
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