Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict

CHAD: Children and Armed Conflict
3/Apr/2012 Publication
Summary: The information below is based on the 2011 report of the Secretary-General to the Security Council (A/65/820-S...
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SYRIE : le Conseil des droits de l'homme réclame la fin de la violence
26/Mar/2012 News
Summary: Le Conseil des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies a adopté vendredi une résolution demandant au gouvernement...
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SYRIA: UN Human Rights Council demands end to violence and widespread abuses in Syria
26/Mar/2012 News
Summary: The United Nations Human Rights Council today adopted a resolution demanding that the Syrian Government cease all...
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BIRMANIE : Les réformes n'ont pas encore atteint l'État Kachin
23/Mar/2012 News
Summary: Des soldats ont menacé et torturé des civils lors de séances d'interrogatoire et violé des femmes. L'armée a...
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NEPAL: Children and Armed Conflict
22/Mar/2012 Publication
Summary: The information below is based on the 2011 report of the Secretary-General to the Security Council (A/65/820-S...
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Premier verdict de la CPI : un ancien chef rebelle congolais déclaré coupable
20/Mar/2012 News
Summary: La Cour pénale internationale (CPI) a déclaré mercredi, à l'unanimité, l'ancien chef rebelle congolais Thomas...
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MYANMAR: Children and Armed Conflict
15/Mar/2012 Publication
Summary: The information below is based on the 2011 report of the Secretary-General to the Security Council (A/65/820-S...
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LEBANON: Children and Armed Conflict
15/Mar/2012 Publication
Summary: The information below is based on the 2011 report of the Secretary-General to the Security Council (A/65/820-S...
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