Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict

AFGHANISTAN: Children and Armed Conflict
9/Feb/2012 Publication
Summary: The information below is based on the 2011 report of the Secretary-General to the Security Council (A/65/820-S...
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ARMED CONFLICT: The Domestic Implementation of International Humanitarian Law
7/Feb/2012 Publication
Summary: This manual is a practical tool to assist policy-makers, legislators and other stakeholders worldwide in adhering...
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SOUTH SUDAN: DDRC, UNICEF Welcome Release of Child Soldiers
7/Feb/2012 News
Summary: South Sudan Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Commission (RSSDDRC) and UNICEF welcomed the recent...
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Guiding Principles for the Domestic Implementation of a Comprehensive System of Protection for Children Associated with Armed Forces or Armed Groups
Thu, 15/09/2011 - 00:00 Instrument
The specific aim of the Guiding Principles is to suggest practical and detailed measures for effective domestic implementation of the international rules protecting children affected by armed conflict.
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RDC: Reconstruire la vie des enfants associés aux groupes armés
19/Jan/2012 News
Summary: « Ce sont les enfants qui sont les premiers à souffrir du conflit : Ils sont entraînés dans la violence en tant...
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PHILIPPINES: Soldiers on the School Grounds
2/Dec/2011 News
Summary: The Philippine armed forces should end its unlawful use of schools for military purposes, Human Rights Watch said...
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PAKISTAN: Child Right advocates launch advocacy drive for ratification of OP on the Involvement of Children in Armed conflict
28/Nov/2011 News
Summary: Child Rights Movement (CRM) is all set to launch an advocacy campaign for the ratification of the Optional...
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SOMALIA: Leaders commit to UN process to end recruitment of child soldiers
28/Nov/2011 News
Summary: The United Nations envoy for children and armed conflict today secured a commitment from top officials in Somalia...
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