
AFRICA: Concluding Observations on non-discrimination (1993 - 2006)
24/سبتمبر/2009 Publication
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Terre des hommes - child relief
7/سبتمبر/2009 Organisation
Since its creation in 1960, the mission of Terre des hommes (Tdh) has been to come to the aid of children in need. It...
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MOROCCO: Fighting child labour not applicable (Arabic)
15/ديسمبر/2008 News
مكافحة عمالة الأطفال في المغرب: دائما يعودون إلى العمل...
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MOROCCO: Turning a cold shoulder to Children Sexual Exploitation (Arabic)
4/ديسمبر/2008 News
المغرب: الاستغلال الجنسي للأطفال وسياسة التجاهل...
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WORLD AIDS DAY: 20th anniversary
2/ديسمبر/2008 News
Summary: This year's theme is 'Lead, Empower, Deliver'...
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MOROCCO: White March against Children Sex Tourism
سبت, 04/07/2009 - 00:00 Event
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