Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict

UN: Cross-Cutting report Children and Armed Conflict
11/Июл/2011 Publication
Summary: Continuing with this series of reports, the 2011 Cross-Cutting Report on Children and Armed Conflict now provides...
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IRAQ: Gov't needs to do more for children
7/Июл/2011 News
Summary: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 in Iraq is doubtful unless the government commits to combating...
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SOUDAN: Michael David, « Mon travail, c’était de nettoyer les fusils et de cirer les bottes »
5/Июл/2011 News
Summary: Michael David* n’a pas eu une enfance comme les autres. Pendant les 11 premières années de sa vie, il a été...
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Enfants soldats, de nouvelles avancées?
23/Июн/2011 News
Summary: L'ONU signe avec le Tchad des accords prometteurs pour la démobilisation des enfants soldats: immenses espoirs...
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CHAD: Demobilised child soldiers need help with re-integration
23/Июн/2011 News
Summary: The next step to be taken after demobilising child soldiers is to reintegrate them into society says the UN SRSG...
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PAKISTAN: Schoolgirl 'kidnapped for suicide attack'
21/Июн/2011 News
Summary: A 9-year-old schoolgirl was allegedly kidnapped by militants and forced to wear a suicide vest packed with nine...
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