Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict

Un avenir incertain ? Enfants et conflit armé en République centrafricaine
5/Май/2011 Publication
Summary: Afin d’informer les décideurs à un moment crucial après la réélection en janvier 2011 du Président François...
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SOMALIA: Child soldiers involved in escalating armed conflict
28/Апр/2011 News
Summary: With Somalia at war since 1991, UNICEF Somalia's Castrogiovanni says that when children are in the line of fire,...
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MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA: State crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrations continues
21/Апр/2011 News
Summary: Latest update of the State crackdown in the MENA region...
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YEMEN: UNICEF condemns child victims of State violence
20/Апр/2011 News
Summary: Twenty-six children have been killed, 80 others injured, and over 800 exposed to tear gas. ...
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Concluding Observations for New Zealand's 3rd and 4th Periodic Report
19/Апр/2011 UN and Regional Documentation
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LIBYA: Schoolboy conscripts shot by Gaddafi forces for refusing to fight
18/Апр/2011 News
Summary: Children as young as 15 are being used by security forces to regain control of Misurata, and threatened with...
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YEMEN: Child soldiers used by armed forces
18/Апр/2011 News
Summary: Child soldiers first recruited by the army are now being deployed by the breakaway faction. ...
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