Library news

SLOVAKIA: Government approves a new strategy to protect children from violence
24/Jan/2014 News
A new strategy has been approved by the Slovakian state government for tackling violence against children across the country.  
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MOROCCO: Parliament repeals 'rape marriage law'
23/Jan/2014 News
Controversial article previously allowed rapists to avoid charges if they married their victims. 
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HEALTH: UN call for information on child mortality and morbidity
22/Jan/2014 News
The UN is preparing technical guidance on this issue as a human rights concern, and wants information from NGOs by 7 February. 
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جنوب السودان: مارثا أنجر، لاجئة من جنوب السودان: لقد فتحوا النار علينا
22/Jan/2014 News
منذ اندلاع النزاع الواسع النطاق في جنوب السودان في منتصف ديسمبر 2013 الذي أعقب ما وصفته الحكومة "محاولة انقلاب فاشلة"،...
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سوريا: صور مروعة لجثث معتقلين عذبهم النظام السوري حتى الموت
21/Jan/2014 News
كشف فريق من المحققين بجرائم الحرب وخبراء الطب الشرعي عما أسموها "أدلة مباشرة" لعمليات "التعذيب التي يقوم بها نظام الأسد،...
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CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: Over 6,000 child soldiers may be involved in fighting, UN says
20/Jan/2014 News
More than 6,000 child soldiers may now be involved in the conflict in the Central African Republic (CAR), with their numbers growing as fighting pits community against community in clashes that have taken on increasingly sectarian overtones, the United Nations reported today.
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CHINA: Doctor gets suspended death sentence for trafficking newborn babies
17/Jan/2014 News
In a country where child trafficking is rampant, a Chinese court has handed down a suspended death sentence to a doctor who sold newborn babies to human traffickers. The case has sparked widespread anger in China.
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YEMEN: "Counselling Centre set up" for children because of drone strikes
17/Jan/2014 News
A Yemeni delegation to the UN has admitted that it has had to establish a counselling centre for children because the level of traumatisation caused by US drone attacks in the country is so high.
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