CRC news

ONU: Somalia ratifica la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño
5/oct/2015 News
Con Somalia, son 196 los países que han ratificado la Convención.
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AFGHANISTAN: President vows to stop 'inhuman' child sex abuse
24/sep/2015 News
The Afghan government says it has "undertaken serious measures" to prevent "abominable" child sexual abuse following a report alleging the practice was rife among the country's armed forces and militias.
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SOUDAN DU SUD : 195ème Etat à ratifier la CDE
7/Mai/2015 News
Le Comité des Nations Unies des droits de l'enfant a salué lundi la ratification par le Soudan du Sud de la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant.
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HOLY SEE: CRC Session Transcript
5/fév/2015 Publication
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CRIN INTERNSHIP: Russian-speaking Communications and Research Intern
3/fév/2015 News
The Child Rights International Network (CRIN) is looking for a Russian-speaking Communications and Research Intern to...
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Comité des droits de l’enfant : 67ème session
lun, 01/09/2014 - 10:00 Event
La 67ème session du Comité des droits de l’enfant se tiendra du 1er au 19 septembre 2014. Le Comité examinera les rapports des Etats suivants : Croatie, Fidji, Hongrie, Maroc, Singapour, Venezuela.
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نتائج انتخابات لجنة حقوق الطفل، من بينهم ثلاثة مرشحين عرب
26/juin/2014 News
نتائج انتخابات لجنة حقوق الطفل...
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14/avr/2014 News
Children can now lodge complaints with the UN about violations of their rights.
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Championing childrens rights: a new review of independent human rights institutions for children from UNICEF
3/déc/2013 News
Summary: The first comprehensive review of independent human rights institutions for children based on the experience of...
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