Violence at work

Violencia en el trabajo, tercera edición
14/juin/2006 Publication
GINEBRA (Noticias de la OIT) – La violencia en el trabajo aumenta en todo el mundo y en algunos países alcanza niveles de...
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Keeping Children Safe - Child Protection Toolkit
30/mar/2006 Publication
Summary: The Keeping Children Safe Coalition has developed a set of tools to help organisations working in developing...
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Save the Children's Contribution to Ending Violence Against Children in Work Settings: Sharing Good Practice and Key Recommendations
23/mar/2006 Publication
Summary: This report provides a brief problem analysis, which is followed by examples of good practice to end violence...
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Voices Across the Mekong:Community action against trafficking of Women and Children
23/Jan/2006 Publication
Summary: This report has been produced in support of the ILO Mekong Sub-Regional Project to Combat Trafficking in Children...
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BOLIVIA: Indígenas esclavizados en la explotación de castaña (14 de Noviembre de 2005)
14/nov/2005 News
Summary: Miles de indígenas de la Amazonia boliviana son esclavizados en la explotación de castaña. Ellos trabajan de 14 a...
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PAKISTAN: Child labourers in Pakistan impossible to obtain (14 November 2005)
14/nov/2005 News
Summary: LAHORE: The exact number of child labourers in Pakistan is impossible to obtain, not least because the majority...
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Sexual harassment and abuse - an issue for the children and youth organisations?
12/oct/2005 Publication
Summary: This report is based on the contributions from all the participants at the seminar in Norway, and the concrete...
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Regional Report: Middle East and North Africa Region
28/juin/2005 Publication
Summary: This report is prepared as part of the UN study...
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Violence against Children in East Asia and Pacific Region: A regional overview
14/juin/2005 Publication
Summary: The report is a summary based on UNICEF’s...
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West and Central Africa Consultation Closes
13/juin/2005 News
Summary: Closing session of the West and Central Africa...
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