Physical abuse

SPAIN: UN condemns state for negligence in murder of seven-year-old girl
7/aoû/2014 News
UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) rules that negligence by authorities led to girl's murder by her father.
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ESPAÑA: Condena de la CEDAW por no proteger a una niña a quien mató su padre
5/aoû/2014 News
El Estado debe indemnizar a una madre que denunció 30 veces a su maltratador hace 11 años.
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USA: Inquiry finds a ‘culture of violence’ against teenage inmates at New York's Rikers Island
5/aoû/2014 News
Inquiry finds that the civil rights of male teenagers were violated and that there was no protection given to the boys from the rampant use of unnecessary and excessive force by correction officers.
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ÉTATS-UNIS : les prisons pour mineurs de New-York gangrenées par la violence
5/aoû/2014 News
Les prisons pour jeunes délinquants à New York sont gangrenées par de la violence extrême et une sécurité défaillante, des gardiens violant fréquemment les droits des détenus adolescents, les soumettant à un «usage croissant de force excessive et inutile»
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UGANDA: "Where Do You Want Us to Go?"
23/juil/2014 Publication
This Human Rights Watch report documents human rights violations against street children in Uganda by police and local government officials, members of the community and older homeless children and adults.
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SEXUAL ABUSE: Charity accused of failing to investigate historical child abuse claims
23/juil/2014 News
A woman who complained sixteen years ago to the Salvation Army in England of being abused by charity personnel in the 1970s now wants an inquiry.
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ARMED CONFLICT: Rape survivors in Central African Republic not getting help
23/juil/2014 News
The presence of armed groups and continued fighting has left women and girls vulnerable to forced marriage and extreme violence, including rape.
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MEXICO: Hundreds of children found at vermin-infested shelter
22/juil/2014 News
Children routinely subjected to physical, psychological and sexual abuse at "The Big Family" shelter and denied visits from their parents, say authorities.
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SYRIA: Child marriage soars among Syrian refugees in Jordan
18/juil/2014 News
Girls who have fled Syria's civil war are increasingly vulnerable to exploitation, domestic violence and poverty, warns the UN.
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MÉXICO: 462 niños son rescatados de hogar luego de diversas denuncias sobre maltratos y abusos
16/juil/2014 News
En un operativo conjunto, el Ejército Mexicano y la Policía Federal rescataron a más de 600 personas, entre ellas 462 niños de la casa hogar La Gran Familia, en el Estado de Michoacán.
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