
jeu, 20/08/2015 - 17:00 Instrument
Также известны как Эр-Риядские Руководящие Принципы, принятые Резолюцией Геренальной Ассамблеи ООН 45/112 от 14 декабря 1990 года  
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فضيحة اعتداءات جنسية على أطفال تهز باكستان
10/aoû/2015 News
فتحت ولاية البنجاب الباكستانية تحقيقا قضائيا لكشف ملابسات فضيحة اعتداءات جنسية طالت مئات الأطفال في إقليم البنجاب المعقل...
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PAKISTAN: Police accused of downplaying child sexual abuse scandal
10/aoû/2015 News
Up to 280 girls and boys said to have been filmed being abused in one village, but victims’ parents say police did not act until there was a national uproar.
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INHUMAN SENTENCING: Pakistan hangs Shafqat Hussain despite claim he was a child at time of alleged crime
4/aoû/2015 News
Supporters say Hussain was 14 when he was sentenced to death for the murder of a seven-year-old, after a confession he said was obtained by torture.
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PAKISTAN : Shafqat Hussain a été exécuté
4/aoû/2015 News
Le Pakistan a pendu mardi matin Shafqat Hussain, symbole de l'opposition à la reprise des exécutions au pays car condamné à mort à "l'adolescence", s'indignent ses avocats, et au terme d'une procédure ne respectant pas les "normes internationales" d'après l'ONU.  
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PAKISTAN: CRC alternative report on inhuman sentencing of children
30/juin/2015 Publication
This report was submitted ahead of the the 72nd pre-sessional working group of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child...
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PAKISTAN : exécution d'un homme mineur au moment des faits
10/juin/2015 News
Alors que Shafqat Hussain a obtenu un sursis, le Pakistan a exécuté Aftab Bahadur, un autre homme arrêté et torturé à l'âge de 15 ans. Il avait passé 22 ans dans le couloir de la mort.
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PAKISTAN : nouveau report de l'exécution de Shafqat Hussain
9/juin/2015 News
La Cour Surpême a repoussé mardi in extremis l'exécution de Shafqat Hussain pour examiner la question de son âge au moment des faits.
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DEATH PENALTY: Rights groups urge Pakistan to call off juvenile execution
8/juin/2015 News
Shafqat Hussain is expected to be hanged on Tuesday for an offence he 'confessed' to committing after nine days of torture.  
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