
IRAQ: Civilian Toll of Government Airstrikes
25/juil/2014 News
[23 July 2014] - Iraq’s security forces have killed at least 75 civilians and wounded hundreds of others in indiscriminate...
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IRAQ: Iraq violence pulls in children, UN warns, as agencies scale up efforts to aid displaced
27/juin/2014 News
[20 June 2014] – Senior United Nations officials today expressed deep concern about the humanitarian situation of the...
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IRAQ: Violence pulls in children, UN warns, as agencies scale up efforts to aid displaced
23/juin/2014 News
Senior UN officials concerned that children are reportedly being recruited and used by militias by all sides in the Iraq conflict.
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FREEDOM OF THOUGHT: Interview with persecuted young atheist in Erbil
30/Mai/2014 News
A teenage school student from Erbil has made headlines after it was revealed that he was imprisoned in solitary confinement, severely tortured, simply for openly saying that he is an atheist.
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Universal Periodic Review - Session 20
lun, 27/10/2014 - 01:00 Event
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IRAK: Se prevé legalizar el matrimonio entre niños de 9 años
10/avr/2014 News
El proyecto de ley, que establece nuevas reglas matrimoniales e introduce nuevas restricciones religiosas.
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IRAQ: Do not legalise marriage for nine-year-olds, say human rights groups
17/mar/2014 News
Draft law would be a step backwards for women and children's rights.
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العراق: يجب التراجع عن تقنين زواج الأطفال في سن التاسعة
12/mar/2014 News
(بغداد) ـ قالت هيومن رايتس ووتش اليوم إن على مجلس الوزراء العراقي أن يسحب مشروعاً جديداً لقانون الأحوال الشخصية وأن يضمن...
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العراق: مشروع قانون عراقي يتيح زواج الفتيات في التاسعة
10/mar/2014 News
جي بي سي نيوز:- شاركت نحو 20 عراقية في مظاهرة، أمس السبت، بالعاصمة بغداد احتجاجاً على مشروع قانون وافقت عليه الحكومة يسمح...
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Global Campaign for Education
19/déc/2013 Organisation
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